Date: October 25, 2016
Location: Resch Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Commentators: Tom Phillips, David Otunga
There’s nothing wrong with some extra content. If I’m doing Superstars I might as well do this one for a bonus. Main Event is basically Superstars with the “Smackdown Live” roster instead of “Monday Night Raw”. These should be easy shows to watch so hopefully it’s a quick sit. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.

American Alpha vs. Vaudevillains
Jason Jordan and Aiden English start but a blind tag brings in Chad for a monkey flip. The armbreaker over the top rope has English in even more trouble until Simon Gotch makes a save. The announcers discuss the upcoming Survivor Series tag team match as Gable and Gotch ram heads. English comes back in (through the bottom ropes) to break up the tag but Gable easily dispatches both of them for the hot tag off to Jordan. That means suplexes and throws all around before Grand Amplitude ends English at 4:10.
Result: American Alpha b. Vaudevillains – Grand Amplitude to English (4:10)
We head on over to “Monday Night Raw”.

New Day vs. Cesaro/Sheamus
Non-title. Before the match, New Day praises Cesaro but says Sheamus shames us because no one wants to see him. Woods is the odd man out here. Cesaro’s backbreaker gets two on Kofi and a double back elbows shows that Cesaro and Sheamus can actually work together. New Day quickly gets it together and takes Sheamus into the corner for the Unicorn Stampede.
Back from a break with Kofi in trouble and taking the ten forearms to the chest. Cesaro misses a charge into the post and the hot tag brings in Big E. to deal with Sheamus. The Irish Curse gets two on Big E. and Cesaro’s vertical suplex gets the same. The Midnight Hour is broken up but Kofi is launched straight into the uppercut. Sheamus Brogue Kicks Big E. for the pin at 11:45.
Result: Cesaro/Sheamus b. New Day – Brogue Kick to Big E. (11:45)
Back to Raw again.

Mick Foley is in the ring for the contract signing between Sasha Banks and Charlotte. They talk about how big of a moment this is going to be, only to have Foley go into his annual rant about how evil the Cell is. Charlotte calls Sasha an entitled second rate talent who will learn respect from the Queen this Sunday. Sasha is ready to crawl up the ramp broken and bloodied as long as she has the Women’s Title.
They trade insults but Foley cuts them both off to say he’s their future. The fans chant for Foley and begin to derail the segment. Foley met Charlotte as a child and his kids gave Sasha their signed photo of Eddie Guerrero. More insults and a double signing wrap this up.

Apollo Crews vs. Curt Hawkins
Crews doesn’t even get an entrance and this is Hawkins’ main roster (re)debut. Hawkins narrates his own entrance again, which includes him saying that this match isn’t about to be postponed for an earthquake here in Milwaukee (it’s Green Bay in an inversion of R-Truth’s mistake on Raw five years ago). No, that shaking you feel is Apollo Crews shaking in his boots.
Hawkins hides from a right hand on the floor before being put down with a headlock takeover. Crews does a front handspring into a dropkick just because he can and some armdrags send Hawkins outside. Back from a break with Hawkins in yet another armbar. Finally tired of having his arm worked over, Curt pops up and knees Crews in the back to set up a chinlock. A Michinoku Driver gets two for Hawkins, only to have Crews pop up and hit a running kick to the face. One enziguri later and it’s the Toss Powerbomb to pin Hawkins at 7:04.
Result: Apollo Crews b. Curt Hawkins – Toss Powerbomb (7:04)
We go back to Raw for the main event and post match shenanigans.

Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens
Non-title. They play keep away to start until Owens gets kicked out to the floor. A Blockbuster gets two on Jericho but Owens pulls Seth outside. The champ is sent into the barricade but Jericho throws Seth into the crowd. Back in and Owens scores with a clothesline, only to have Rollins avoid the Cannonball. The Pedigree doesn’t work on either Canadian but the Lionsault hits Seth’s knees.
Owens saves his buddy from a Pedigree and it’s time for the double teaming. The handicap portion continues until Owens is low bridged to the floor. Jericho eats the low superkick and Rollins dives onto Kevin. Seth misses the frog splash and eats a Codebreaker for two. Owens comes back in and slaps Rollins a lot as the STUPID IDIOT chants kick in. Rollins escapes a double superplex and pins both guys at the same time with a double rollup at 10:00.
Result: Seth Rollins b. Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens – Double rollup (10:00)
Post match Owens and Jericho destroy Rollins by sending him hard into the steps. We’re still not done though as Rollins runs up the ramp and dives at Owens, only to get beaten down again. Owens gives him the Apron Bomb and walks back up the ramp to get his title so some posing can end the show.
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