He is ready to go. Drew McIntyre recently appeared on ESPN’s “Get Up” and spoke with host Mike Greenberg about his upcoming match with Bobby Lashley for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 37.

The interview began with Greeny asking McIntyre about the importance of having fans back at a live event for the first time since March of 2020. He said that the fans are the “#1 Superstar” and not having them made things difficult. Although they were proud of what they were able to accomplish with the WWE Thunderdome, he is ready to have people back and in person.
McIntyre was then asked about the hunger that he has for his upcoming match with Lashley. He said that he has always had the hunger since Day 1 and is beyond excited to get to main event WrestleMania for the second year in a row.
Greeny then pointed out the fact that McIntyre voiced the hype video for the 2021 Tampa Bay Rays. After asking The Scottish Warrior to go into his best hype video promo to promote WrestleMania, he launched into a great promo hyping the event and encouraged all ages and genders to check out the show as WWE will “blow your damn minds”.
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