Seth Rollins is in the one percent of wrestlers in the industry. His skills in the ring and overall talent is undeniable, but there have been some questions about how safe he is the ring over the past year.
Rollins took the blame for John Cena’s nose injury last year. Sting absolved Seth for the injury to his neck last year at “Night of Champions,” and Finn Balor did the same for his shoulder at “Summerslam.”
Aside from Bret Hart, no one is really taking Rollins to the woodshed for being unsafe and having consistent accidents happen in the ring during his matches, but it’s happened enough where it’s a concern of many.
According to a recent report from, WWE officials are very close to banning Rollins’ “Buckle Bomb” maneuver, which was the move that caused injuries to both Balor and Sting.
Previously, WWE banned “The Curb Stomp” because it “could have” severely injured someone. The Buckle Bomb has caused injuries in the past, so it’s very likely WWE will pull the trigger and ban the move soon.

The “Buckle Bomb” looks good and is a perfect set up for a lot of Rollins’ moves, so it’ll be a shame to see it go. However, the safety of the performers in the ring is the priority, and most moves can be replaced.
Do you think WWE should ban Rollins’ “Buckle Bomb?”