I do like them, reporter I am. Wrestling can be a funny place and a lot of the time you’ll see some rather strange things. One of those things would be a monster from Bulgaria and his gorgeous blonde wife reading a Dr. Seuss book in the honor of Seuss’ birthday. That’s what we saw took place on Thursday and it’s as great as you would expect.
I really don’t know how else to put this. It’s Rusev and Lana reading “Green Eggs and Ham” and Rusev doesn’t quite get how things are supposed to. Here it is, in all of it’s amazing glory.
Opinion: I love it when WWE does things like this. Not everything has to be all that serious and sometimes it’s cool to do something a bit more fun. Rusev and Lana are a great team and have a chemistry that few others have. Somehow it was entertaining to watch the two of them read a children’s book. Not everyone can pull that off.