This is something different. Elias is one of the more unique wrestlers in WWE at the moment. To have a gimmick as simple as he plays a guitar and sings and take it to the level that he’s already reached is rather impressive. In any other era that would be the end of it, but in today’s wrestling world with WWE having its hands in so many things, you get to do something very different, just like this.
Encore! Encore!

"Elias: Live from Bourbon Street" full concert (WWE Network Exclusive)
WWE has released the full video of Elias giving a live, impromptu surprise concert on Bourbon Street in New Orleans over WrestleMania 34 weekend. The show will also air as part of an upcoming WWE Network documentary on Elias which will air next Monday night after Monday Night Raw. Elias will also be releasing an album on Monday, which is already available on Spotify.
Opinion: I was in New Orleans when this took place and was annoyed that I didn’t hear about it until the next day. Something like this is so cool to have happen over WrestleMania weekend as you never know when you might see this kind of a surprise. That’s a great way to hype up the weekend and thanks to the WWE Network, we get to see it a few months later. This is really cool and worth checking out.
Would you want to see an Elias concert? How far can he go in WWE? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 27 wrestling books. His latest book is the NXT: The Full Sail Years Volume III: From Dallas To New Orleans.
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