Monday Night Raw
Date: November 21, 2016
Location: Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton
We’re still in Toronto as the big pay per view weekends are starting to feel like an old Raw TV cycle. The big story last night is Brock Lesnar’s complete destruction at the hands of Goldberg, who beat him in a mind blowing 87 seconds. Tonight we get started towards Roadblock in about four weeks so let’s get to it.
We open with stills of Lesnar vs. Goldberg because a match running less than a minute and a half needs to be clipped.

Raw Tag Team Titles: New Day vs. Sheamus/Cesaro
New Day is defending and talk about breaking Demolition’s record for longest Tag Team Title reign in just 23 days. A powerslam gives Cesaro two on Big E. to start but Kofi escapes an early Swing attempt. Instead Cesaro sends him into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Kofi dropkicking Sheamus out of the air but getting Irish Cursed for two.
Sheamus won’t tag out though and we get some heel miscommunication with Cesaro being knocked off the apron. The hot tag brings in Big E. to clean house as everything breaks down. The Warrior Splash gets two on Sheamus but he rakes Big E.’s eyes to set up White Noise for the same.
It’s back to Cesaro vs. Kofi with the Uppercut Train taking off, only to have an SOS get two. Trouble in Paradise is countered into a Cesaro Swing which goes into the Sharpshooter. The Brogue Kick puts Big E. down but Woods gets on the apron for the distraction as Kofi taps. Ever the moron, Cesaro lets the hold go and gets small packaged for the pin at 12:18.
Result: New Day b. Cesaro/Sheamus – Small package to Cesaro (12:18)
Chris Jericho is distraught that the List of Jericho was destroyed last night. Tonight, he’s going to say who’s to blame for this travesty.
Enzo Amore is stuck outside his locker room…..and he’s naked. After running into the Shining Stars and Titus O’Neil with the expected results. Enzo runs into Lana and, of course, asks how she’s doing. Rusev comes in to yell and Cass comes to Enzo’s defense. There’s no offer of a shirt for Enzo or anything but a match is set up for later.
Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon do their standard “we’re awesome” segment and talk about needing to punish the Raw stars who lost last night. Sami Zayn comes in and gets a match against Braun Strowman.

Ariya Daivari vs. Cedric Alexander
Before the match, Daivari says Canadians are just as bad as Americans and rants in some foreign language. Alexander armbars him before the bell but Daivari takes over as the match gets started. Cedric’s springboard is broken up into a big crash but he nails a handspring into a kick to the face. Another springboard into a clothesline sets up the Lumbar Check for the pin on Daivari at 3:10.
Result: Cedric Alexander b. Ariya Daivar – Lumbar Check (3:10)
It’s time for the Highlight Reel with a serious Jericho wanting to find out what happened with the List of Jericho. Kevin Owens cuts him off and asks when Chris upgraded to the Jeritron 6500. Jericho isn’t happy with Owens for not realizing he was there when Jericho upgraded.
We see Owens saving Jericho from the Styles Clash with the List of Jericho, sending Jericho into a rant about everything that could have been seen. Owens: “Who cares???” That seems to be a breaking point for Jericho, because he cares. Owens yells at Jericho for screwing up by walking into an RKO a few seconds after he sacrificed himself. If that’s how Owens feels, maybe they don’t have much of a friendship.
Owens is never there when Jericho needs him and Chris is done with him. Kevin spins him around and they both blame Roman Reigns, setting up a big hug. The ranting goes on about Reigns and Rollins (who are hair conditioner brothers) until Seth comes out, demanding his title shot tonight. The brawl is on and here’s Reigns, slowly walking to the ring for the save. Cue Foley to make the title match tonight, No DQ, with Jericho and Reigns banned from ringside.
We recap the opening segment.
Enzo Amore vs. Rusev
Before the match, Enzo says if Lana wanted to see him naked, she just had to hack his phone. The Accolade finishes Enzo in 58 seconds.
Result: Rusev b. Enzo Amore – Accolade (0:58)
Video on the Wrestlemania tickets going on sale. This includes someone making a fourteen hour drive from Houston to be at the sale in Orlando.
Braun Strowman vs. Sami Zayn
Strowman jumps him before the bell and Sami is in big trouble to start. A running splash crushes Sami again and the match is almost stopped. Some hard clotheslines make things even worse. Strowman ties Sami in the Tree of Woe and Mick Foley comes out to stop the match at 4:00.
Result: Braun Strowman b. Sami Zayn via stoppage (4:00)
Emmalina video.
Here are Charlotte and Dana Brooke with something to say. She looks at some stills of the postmatch beatdown on Bayley before calling herself the Wayne Gretzky of WWE. Charlotte is so happy she doesn’t have to deal with the Team Raw peasants but here’s Sasha Banks to interrupt.
Sasha wants her rematch tonight and Charlotte agrees with one condition: it’s in her hometown next week so she can beat Sasha again. Cue Nia Jax to say she dominated the Smackdown women, unlike Sasha, the short, purple headed Barbie. Dana finds this hilarious so Sasha decks her, only to get sent into the corner for the running splash. Bayley comes out for the save, meaning Sasha is thrown out to her.
Sasha Banks/Bayley vs. Charlotte/Nia Jax
Joined in progress with Nia throwing Bayley around and bringing in Charlotte for a chinlock. A failed monkey flip allows for the hot tag to Banks, who helps out with a double suplex to Nia. The Bank Statement makes Charlotte tap at 4:37.
Rating: D+. This did exactly what it needed to do and protected Nia at the same time. Jax is going to devour someone for that title eventually and whoever gets to take it off of her is going to be a star.
We look at the opening segment for the third time.
Seth Rollins is ready for his match with Owens.
Noam Dar vs. Rich Swann vs. TJ Perkins
The winner gets Brian Kendrick, on commentary here, for the title on the debut of 205 Live. Kendrick says the new show was created for him as Dar dropkicks Perkins out to the floor, only to have Swann do the same to Noam. Perkins kicks Rich’s knee out and we take a break. Back with Perkins kicking Dar in the face but getting caught in an ankle lock. Swann makes a save, followed by Dar breaking up TJ’s kneebar. Another kneebar is broken up by a splash and Swann kicks Perkins in the head for the pin at 7:50.
Result: Rich Swann b. TJ Perkins and Noam Dar – Spinning kick to Perkins (7:50)
Owens brags about beating AJ Styles and knows he’s ready to beat Rollins, who failed him last night.
Enzo and Cass shill merchandise.
Raw World Title: Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins
Owens is defending and there are no disqualifications with Jericho and Reigns barred from ringside. Kevin tries to bail to the floor and gets kicked in the face for his efforts. The springboard knee to the head gets two inside thirty seconds so it’s already table time. Owens grabs the package piledriver slam and we take an early break.
Back with Owens in full control and hammering Seth in the head. A Sling Blade and suicide dive take Owens out, leading to another commercial. Back again with an exchange of strikes to the face putting both guys down. The frog splash misses Owens and it’s a Cannonball into a chair onto Rollins for a close two. Owens sets up a pair of chairs for a powerbomb but gets backdropped onto them instead.
Another table is set up in the corner and the Buckle Bomb drives Owens through it for a very close two. They fight into the crowd with Rollins getting the better of it by throwing a trashcan at the champ. Owens tries the powerbomb but Seth grabs the balcony wall and pulls himself up for a big dive. They make it back to ringside but a masked man shoves Rollins off the barricade. Of course it’s Jericho and of course he gets a Pedigree on the floor. The Apron Powerbomb wipes Rollins out though and Owens throws him back in to retain at 23:07.
Result: Kevin Owens b. Seth Rollins – Apron bomb (23:07)
New Day b. Cesaro/Sheamus – Small package to Cesaro
Cedric Alexander b. Ariya Daivari – Lumbar Check
Rusev b. Enzo Amore – Accolade
Anderson and Gallows b. Golden Truth – Magic Killer to Goldust
Braun Strowman b. Sami Zayn via stoppage
Bayley/Sasha Banks b. Nia Jax/Charlotte – Bank Statement to Charlotte
Rich Swann b. Noam Dar and TJ Perkins – Kick to Perkins’ head
Kevin Owens b. Seth Rollins – Apron powerbomb
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