Triple H and Randy Orton have a storied past, going way back to when Orton was a rookie and was recruited into Evolution alongside Triple H, ‘The Nature Boy’ Ric Flair and ‘The Animal’ Batista. We highly recommend watching the video below as it showcases a lot of the emotion behind the history of these two future Hall of Famers.
The road to this match wasn’t easy on the night for Triple H. To open ‘No Mercy,’ Orton was handed the WWE Championship from Vince McMahon and ‘Raw’ General Manager William Regal after news came out that the former WWE Champion John Cena had been injured and been forced to vacate the title.
Triple H came out and managed to persuade McMahon into letting him face Orton to open the show for the Championship. Triple H was victorious, becoming the new WWE Champion and ending Orton’s reign quickly.
Triple H had a scheduled match against Umaga later that night where he was able to retain the Championship.
Orton would have his rematch clause later during the night as the main event, challenging Triple H to a Last Man Standing match. This is the video! Could Orton prevail or would Triple H overcome the odds of his exhaustion and retain the Championship?
Did you enjoy this match? What is your favorite ‘No Mercy’ match?

FULL MATCH — Triple H vs. Randy Orton - WWE Championship Match: WWE No Mercy 2007 (WWE Network)
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