The bi-polar rock and roller is back! Mauro Ranallo was let go by WWE earlier this year due to issues with fellow commentator John Bradshaw Layfield, who was accused of bullying him. While Ranallo was gone from WWE, it wasn’t expected to be his last job as he has a long history of broadcasting combat sports. It turns out that he’s already got another job.
Opinion: This isn’t exactly a shock as Ranallo is one of the best broadcasters for almost any sport that you’re going to find. He knows his stuff, clearly cares about what he’s doing and can get fired up about any sport you put in front of him. I’m glad that someone welcomed him with open arms and hopefully he can show off his skills without having to be abused by people who haven’t quite grown up yet.

30 years in the making for Mauro Ranallo: SmackDown Fallout, January 7, 2016
Did you like Ranallo’s tenure with WWE? Who is your favorite WWE broadcaster? Let us know in the comments below.