So they’re a no. Earlier this week, news broke that WWE was designated as an essential business in the state of Florida, allowing it to continue running shows. The justification came from the idea that live sports played a vital role in Florida’s economy and should be allowed to continue. All sports are allowed to run in the state, including professional wrestling. But are the promotions willing to run there?

While professional wrestling is allowed to operate in Florida, it is not something that a lot of companies are going to want to do. The spread of the Coronavirus is still a major threat to everyone involved and it is not exactly something that makes people interested in traveling to a show. That being said, it is more or less Florida or nothing for some of these places, and now we know some of their thoughts on the situation.

Both Major League Wrestling and Ring Of Honor have sent in messages to Post Wrestling’s John Pollock, saying that they will not be running events in Florida, even if it is legally allowed. The messages both said that they were not willing to attempt to take such risks with their talent and crews at the moment. There is no word on if any other promotion will be running events, though WWE, Impact Wrestling and AEW are all running events, either live or taped, albeit in front of no fans.

Both companies have been running taped events or specials. Check out what they have been presenting:

Opinion: I’m not sure how much of a change the new Florida law is going to change. WWE was running the events in the first place and the other major promotions are running elsewhere. I can imagine a small promotion running a one off event, but various other sports can probably take their chances doing something. It is something that some people will take Florida up on, but there are a lot of people and groups who will want nothing to do with it at all. The choices could be rather interesting.

Do these decisions surprise you? Which promotion will start running shows again next? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for “GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES” to sign up. Thank you for reading!


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