To make the Hall simply ravishing. It’s Hall of Fame season and that means we’re going to be hearing some names who always come up as potential inductees. We’ll be hearing about some people who might belong in with debates going on almost every year. One of those will be ending though as there is another name rumored for the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2017.
Rude is a great example of the career upper midcarder who could make a jump to the main event if necessary. He had a great look and it felt like he could beat the heck out of you with those right hands. Above all else though he was someone so easy to hate and, aside from a brief stint early in his career, he never worked as a face. Rude was very entertaining at what he did and this induction is long overdue.
Who else do you see going into this class? What are some of your favorite Rude memories? Let us know in the comments below.
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