Ring of Honor
Date: April 28, 2021
Location: UMBC Events Center, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

With last week’s pretty special milestone show behind us, it is time to get back to normal around here. Granted I’m not exactly sure what normal is around here these days but that is part of what is fun around here. I’m not sure what we have coming up next as far as a big show goes here so we’ll have to settle for the regular TV show. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Quinn McKay welcomes us to the show and runs down the card.

Eli Isom vs. Dak Draper

We get inset promos with Draper saying that Isom might be happy with wrestling anywhere on the card, but Draper wants to win the main event. On the other hand, Isom is happy to be facing Draper because he doesn’t like Draper looking down on people with his participation awards. The bigger Draper drives him into the corner to start and drops Isom with a shoulder.

Back up and Isom leapfrogs him to set up a dropkick. Draper is fine enough to knee him in the ribs before pulling a kick out of the air and cranking on the leg. A springboard is countered as well but Isom slips out of a fireman’s carry and hits a high up armdrag out of the corner. Draper doesn’t like that very much and plants him with a hot shot, followed by an arm snap across the top.

We take a break and come back with Draper working on a waistlock and then tossing Isom down. Isom fights back up with a release northern lights suplex but Draper is ready for the big dive. That’s fine with Isom, who hits a middle rope moonsault instead. Back in and a high crossbody gets two on Draper, setting up the forearm off. Draper grabs the Doctor Bomb for two, followed by a heck of a springboard elbow into a nip up. Another fireman’s carry is countered into a crucifix to give Isom two, followed by the same thing but with a small package instead. Isom’s brainbuster is countered….and the time limit expires at 15:00.

Result: Eli Isom vs. Dak Draper went to a time limit draw (15:00)

Post break, we are ready for five more minutes, but the lights go out…..and we have Dalton Castle, complete with a four boy dance troupe. Castle dances to the ring (in his pink suit) and talks about how the two of them helped him with his problem. The boys help him into the ring where Castle talking about how boring it has been around here lately. This is a TV show and we need to think about the viewers.

Draper is handsome and muscly, which is something he likes. Then there’s Isom, who he doesn’t like and kicks low. Draper busts out the participation ribbon and gets kicked low as well. Castle dances away.

Homicide, Chris Dickinson, Tony Deppen and Brody King talk about being the future of Ring of Honor and want to destroy La Faccion Ingobernable. They are Violence Unlimited.

We see the ending of Beer City Bruiser beating Joe Keys. Post match, Bruiser loaded up a beer bottle but the rest of the ROH Dojo guys ran in for the save. Ken Dixon turned on them though and helped Bruiser beat them down.

Bruiser says Dixon picked up his bar tab. Dixon talks about how he isn’t like the rest of the Dojo guys and wants to be himself. Good, as the Dojo deal is fairly dumb around here anyway. Quinn McKay (looking terrified: “Well Godspeed. You smell like a brewery.”).

Here is the Righteous, minus Vincent, for a chat. After a video on Vincent fighting Matt Taven to a no contest at the Anniversary Show, Bateman talks about how Vincent is gone but he is still the hand guiding the knife. Vita Von Starr reads a message from Vincent, talking about how this is a gateway to a new Righteous. Bateman talks about how evil the three of them are and promises more in the future.

La Faccion Ingobernable vs. Violence Unlimited

That would be Kenny King/Bestia de la Ring/Rush vs. Brody King/Homicide/Chris Dickinson. During the introductions, La Faccion rants about the Foundation and Violence Unlimited. Believe it or not, the brawl is on before the bell and everything heads outside in a hurry. We settle down to Dickinson working on King’s leg before they trade some kicks.

We take a break and come back with Rush getting in a kick from the apron to drop Dickinson but he gets over to tag King without much effort. Dickinson is back with a Falcon Arrow for two on Rush with Homicide making the save. Bestia and Dickinson chop it out until a double team puts Dickinson down. That means Bestia can hit a Swanton for two on Dickinson but King comes in with a chair for the DQ at 9:05.

Result: La Faccion Ingobernable b. Violence Unlimited via DQ when Brody King used a chair (9:05)

Post match the brawl stays on until the Foundation runs in to join the fight.

We get a video on Tony Deppen getting a TV Title shot next week.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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