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Date: February 1, 2020
Location: NYTEX Sports Center, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: AJ Kirsch, Rich Bocchini
The Dallas shows continue and for the first time in forever, they won’t include Mance Warner vs. Jimmy Havoc. The big story seems to be the slow build towards Davey Boy Smith vs. Jacob Fatu for the World Title, which could be a heck of a match. There are other things going on at the same time though, including a Middleweight Title match this week. Let’s get to it.
We open with a recap of the Hart Foundation vs. Contra.
Davey Boy Smith is ready to take out Simon Gotch tonight in a no ropes match, with a win coming by knockout or tap out. Gotch can pick his own execution.
Opening sequence.
We look back at Injustice getting in an argument with Konnan last week, setting up tonight’s Middleweight Title match with Drago challenging Myron Reed.
Simon Gotch vs. Davey Boy Smith
The ropes are gone and you win by knockout or tap out only. Gotch has Josef Samael with him. Smith takes him down and gets ground control with a side choke but Gotch spins out and forces Smith out to the floor. Back in and they exchange kicks to the legs until Smith grabs the head and spins him down to the mat. A headlock takeover into an armbar keeps Gotch in trouble so he counters with a headscissors.
That’s broken up in a hurry and it’s another standoff. Smith takes him down again but gets hit in the head a few times to break that up. A top wristlock has Gotch in more trouble and Smith elbows him in the head to make it even worse. Back up and Gotch slugs away so Smith tells him to do it harder. That’s what Smith does and Gotch goes down in a heap. Gotch takes him down for a change though and kicks at the leg.
That doesn’t get him very far either though as Smith reverses into a cross armbreaker. Samael makes a save from the floor though and Gotch can go back to the ankle. Now it’s Smith getting up again for some more hard forearms, only to get pulled down into a kneebar. Smith powers up again with some belly to back suplexes into a Saito suplex, which is good enough to give Smith the knockout win at 8:03.
Result: Davey Boy Smith Jr. b. Simon Gotch via knockout (8:03)
Alexander Hammerstone is back from a tour of Japan and has a sponsorship deal with a Japanese soda company. He’s rather happy with the 10,000 Yen payday….until Richard Holliday explains that he’s making about $91. It doesn’t matter though as they’ll get his lawyer/father to get them on more shelves to make the Dynasty more money.
We look back at Mance Warner defeating Jimmy Havoc in their final showdown.
Warner is off to celebrate and then he wants some gold. Like the National Openweight Title.
Video on the Team Filthy Dojo, which is open for business again.
And now, Filthy Does Dallas, which means Tom Lawlor and Dominic Garrini go to a western store so they can look like real cowboys. Not like those fake Von Erichs you see.
Middleweight Title: Myron Reed vs. Drago
Reed is defending and has the rest of Injustice with him. Oliver thinks we’re in Houston but it doesn’t matter considering this place looks just like Oklahoma. They run the ropes to start with Drago flipping over him and trying a backsplash, only to injure himself on the chest protector. Reed hits an enziguri and two knees to the chest out of the corner connecting for two. A dragon sleeper goes on but Dragon backflips his way to freedom.
That earns him a belly to back suplex and a slingshot legdrop for two from Reed. Drago launches him to the floor where Injustice makes a catch, allowing Drago to hit a dive onto all three of them in a big crash. Back in and Drago hits a powerbomb, followed by another one for two. Oliver comes in so Drago superkicks Reed to the floor and hits a running Canadian Destroyer to take Oliver down. Another distraction lets Kotto Brazil get in a low blow and Reed hits a springboard 450 to retain at 4:44.
Result: Myron Reed b. Drago – Springboard 450 (4:44)
Low Ki is ready to face King Mo, when Mo and his trainer Dan Lambert come in. Mo brings up that he knocked out Low Ki’s trainer to take some steam away.
Air Wolf has been attacked.
Contra is ready to end the Hart Foundation.
Air Wolf was attacked by members of Contra’s Death Squad.
We recap the Von Erichs vs. the Dynasty, setting up tonight’s main event.
Marshall Von Erich vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman
Tom Lawlor is on commentary, and MJF has Alexander Hammerstone and Gino Medina with him. Before the match, MJF says the Von Erichs, just like everyone here and tonight, another member of the family goes six feet under. Hold on though as Medina and Hammerstone are ejected before the bell. The fans are behind Marshall and Lawlor seems to hate it.
They lock up and go all the way outside without letting it go. The lockup stays on and they even get back inside for a standoff. Friedman offers a handshake and Marshall actually falls for it, only to come back with an armdrag and a dropkick. The threat of a Claw sends MJF bailing to the floor but Marshall chops the post by mistake. MJF puts the fingers inside the turnbuckle hook and pulls on the other arm to take away the Claw.
Back in and MJF hammers away for two before cranking on the hands again. A knee drop to the hand makes it even worse as MJF is rather good at working on an arm/hand. Marshall powers up and gets in an overhead belly to belly to put them both down. A dropkick puts MJF in the corner and Marshall hits a Cannonball for a bonus.
Marshall powerslams him for two but MJF hides behind the referee before the Claw can go on. The injured hand hits the buckle so MJF takes him down into a Fujiwara armbar with a pull on the fingers. A long crawl allows a rope break and Marshall knocks him down again, setting up a moonsault for two. Cue the rest of the Dynasty for a distraction so MJF can grab a rollup with feet on the ropes for two more. Marshall is right back up with the Claw for the tap at 10:30.
Result: Marshall Von Erich b. Maxwell Jacob Friedman – Claw (10:30)
Post match Lawlor tries to bring in a chair but Marshall fights him, plus the Dynasty, off at the same time to end the show. We do get a mention from commentary that Ross is off on a promotional appearance so there was an explanation.
Davey Boy Smith Jr. b. Simon Gotch via knockout
Myron Reed b. Drago – Springboard 450
Marshall Von Erich b. Maxwell Jacob Friedman – Claw
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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