That’s nice of him. Concussions and various other head injuries have become a major problem in all sports. WWE has gone out of their way to take care of its wrestlers by banning several forms of moves that can do damage to the head in the battle against CTE. Unfortunately CTE can only be diagnosed after someone is dead so only brains donated after death can be studied. A WWE Hall of Famer has offered to assist in this area.
“Chris Nowinski started the program, and I’ve had several concussions throughout my life and had scans done and stuff and knew that somewhere down the line, I’ve already had short-term memory problems. I decided to go ahead. The only way you can diagnose this is after you’re dead.”
This CTE stuff is nothing to mess around with and I’m very glad that WWE is taking such major steps to fight against it. At the end of the day, there is no need for chair shots to the head or anything similar to it. I can get behind a violent match in a hurry but it’s nothing I’m going to leave wrestling over.
Do you think WWE has done enough to combat concussions? What else could they do? Let us know in the comments below.