Impact Wrestling
Date: September 8, 2020
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

We’re in a new world around here as Eric Young is the World Champion again. That would seem to set up a big showdown against Rich Swann at Bound For Glory, which hopefully means this doesn’t last too long. Other than that, we have the Motor City Machine Guns defending the Tag Team Titles against the Rascalz and the continuing mind games between EC3 and Moose. Let’s get to it.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Eric Young for his first interview as champion. Young talks about how world class he is with everything and then he rolled over everyone to become World Champion. Cue Alisha Edwards to call Young a coward for injuring people. Eddie Edwards is going to come back and take Young out because he’ll fight anyone. She isn’t afraid of Young and it’s because of Young that Eddie can’t hold their child. Young: “I don’t care.”

Alisha slaps him so Young loads up a piledriver but Tommy Dreamer comes in for the save. Dreamer talks about how the Edwards and Rich Swann are family and he isn’t letting this happen. If Young wants to be some monster, come end his career tonight. We’ll make it Extreme Rules, Old School Rules, Hardcore or whatever. Young says he’ll see Dreamer tonight.

The announcers run down the card.

Moose gets on a plane to go get his TNA World Title back.

Rosemary, John E. Bravo and Taya Valkyrie are wedding planning, with Rosemary saying she doesn’t know many people who can officiate a demon wedding. Taya says she has this so Rosemary teleports away, leaving Taya to make some rather big plans (a twenty layer cake is mentioned).

TJP vs. Chris Bey

They starts fast with TJP slugging away and hitting a big backdrop. Bey slips out of an armbar attempt and here’s Rohit Raju to watch from ringside. A headscissors out of the corner sends Bey to the floor for the Wrecking Ball dropkick and it’s time to work on Bey’s arm. The good arm hits TJP with a clothesline though and we take a break. Back with Bey in control but having to glare at a cheering Raju. The Gory Stretch is countered into a rollup though and TJP slaps on a quickly broken Muta Lock.

Bey kicks him in the back of the head and puts on an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up with a belly to back suplex and some rolling single underhook suplexes keep Bey down. Bey’s springboard kick to the face is countered into a rollup for two as Madison leaves to do Locker Room Talk. Bey tries a rollup but TJP reverses into a sunset flip for the quick pin at 10:37.

Result: TJP b. Chris Bey – Sunset flip (10:37)

It’s time for Locker Room Talk and Johnny Swinger has a new jacket. He insists that Wrestle House wants him back, which Rayne says makes it sound like jail. The guests this week are Kylie Rae and Susie, with Madison accusing Rae of trying to hide from Deonna Purrazzo. Madison tries to bring up Susie being Su Yung but here are Purrazzo and Kimber Lee, with Purrazzo complaining about the interruption last week. Tag match next week.

John E. Bravo is trying to find an elephant but Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan come in to ask about their invitations. They want him to be a man and stand up to Taya but Taya wouldn’t like that. The two of them are going to be his groomspeople and teach him how to be a man.

Here’s Brian Myers to talk about getting off on the wrong foot with Willie Mack. He has been around the world and wrestled in all fifty states. There is nothing to be ashamed about to lose to him but Mack wouldn’t go with the time honored tradition of shaking his hand. Mack needs to come out here and do it now, so here’s Mack to say he isn’t here to shake hands. He would rather put his hands around Myers’ throat and shake that. They’re having a rematch right now, but Myers isn’t ready. Mack: “Didn’t they tell you to always bring your gear if you’re a professional?”

Willie Mack vs. Brian Myers

Mack elbows him to the floor to start and follows with a dive. Myers sends him face first into the apron a few times though and takes it back inside to yell and stomp. A suplex gives Myers two and we hit the chinlock. Mack fights up with the swinging slam into a legdrop for two of his own. The standing moonsault gets the same but the Stunner is broken up with a rake to the face. Mack hits a standing Sky High but Myers gets in a low blow, setting up an implant DDT for the pin at 5:26.

Result: Brian Myers b. Willie Mack – Implant DDT (5:26)

Jordynne Grace doesn’t get why Tenille Dashwood just showed up and thinks she gets a title shot. Grace goes to find her but gets Dashwood’s personal photographer (Caleb Konley), who says she is too busy.

Taya yells at Tasha and Kiera for getting in someone else’s business. They yell back and both sides are called Boo Boo.

Tag Team Titles: Rascalz vs. Motor City Machine Guns

The Rascalz are challenging and dropkick the Guns off the apron to start fast. That means stereo dives to take them down again and it’s time to take it back inside for some running charges to Sabin in the corner. The rapid fire kicks get two and a running kick to the chest gives Wentz two. Shelley comes in to take over on Wentz’s leg though and he can’t even be whipped across the ring. The Guns take turns kicking at the knee in the corner and Sabin drives the knee into the mat. Sabin cuts off the comeback in the corner and Shelley knees the knee again.

We go old school with a spinning toehold from Shelley as Sabin grabs an Octopus Hold on Dez. Shelley tries a Figure Four instead as Dez escapes and makes the save. An enziguri allows the hot tag to Dez, who kicks Sabin in the back of the head to take over. More kicks in the corner get two as everything breaks down. Wentz’ middle rope Meteora onto Dez’s knees gets two and it’s a jumping knee to Sabin’s face. The Guns are back in with the Dream Sequence to Dez and the ASCS Rush to Wentz. The double Death Valley Driver retains the titles at 8:38.

Result: Motor City Machine Guns b. Rascalz – Double Death Valley Driver to Wentz (8:38)

Post match the North runs in and beat down both teams. Ace Austin and Madman Fulton run in for the staredown but the Good Brothers come in for the real save. The Rascalz dive onto the villains and it’s a three way staredown.

Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes are rather happy because next week, it’s the Whole F’N Talk Show.

Sami Callihan says this is 2020 for him: he won the match and then got beaten up again last week. Katie Forbes messed things up for him so maybe she is just too much for him. Next week there is a new talk show though and Sami promises to hack it.

Tasha Steelz vs. Taya Valkyrie

Kiera Hogan and John E. Bravo are here. The yelling turns into the slugout to start and Taya hits a running basement dropkick for two. Kiera gets a trip from the floor so Tasha can take over as Bravo is wedding planning on his phone. Taya hits a sitout powerbomb and a knee to the chest gets two. A spear into the Road to Valhalla finishes Tasha at 3:39.

Result: Taya Valkyrie b. Tasha Steelz – Road To Valhalla (3:39)

Post match Kiera jumps Taya, which is enough to get Bravo off the phone for the late save.

Moose winds up at I believe his high school football coach’s office and asks if has seen EC3. That’s a no, but the coach tells him to control his narrative. Some guys in EC3 gear appear and Moose runs.

Flashback Moment of the Week: EC3/Eddie Edwards b. Mike Bennett/Moose on August 11, 2016.

Heath and Rhino meet up in the parking lot but Heath is in trouble with management. The ads are going to continue but they are expensive. Rhino knows where he can get money though.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Eric Young vs. Tommy Dreamer

Non-title and anything goes. Dreamer slams him down to start but misses the kendo stick shot. They head outside with Dreamer being sent into the steps, followed by a chain over his eyes. That earns Dreamer a posting and it’s time to peel back the ring mats. Dreamer comes back with some weapons shots and they head back inside. Young bites his way out of a superplex attempt and the catapult sends Dreamer throat first into the bottom rope. A middle rope elbow with a chair is blocked with a raised boot and Dreamer grabs the cutter.

They slug it out from their knees but Young goes after the leg to take him down again. Young gets sent into the trashcan in the corner and Dreamer’s DDT gets two. It’s table time but Young gets in a low blow. Dreamer crotches him on top, only to have Young hit him in the head with the hockey mask. The piledriver finishes Dreamer at 10:08.

Result: Eric Young b. Tommy Dreamer – Piledriver (10:08)

Post match Young wraps a chair around the leg and beats on it with the kendo stick. Rich Swann limps out with the crutch to make the save. Young yells at Swann to end the show.


TJP b. Chris Bey – Sunset flip
Brian Myers b. Willie Mack – Implant DDT
Motor City Machine Guns b. Rascalz – Double Death Valley Driver to Wentz
Taya Valkyrie b. Tasha Steelz – Road to Valhalla
Eric Young b. Tommy Dreamer – Piledriver

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for “GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES” to sign up. Thank you for reading!


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