205 Live
Date: May 23, 2017
Location: Huntington Center, Toledo, Ohio
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves
We’re getting closer to Extreme Rules and that means we’re setting up another Austin Aries vs. Neville match. That would be the third match on pay per view between the two, which suggests to me that they really need to build up some fresh stars. Maybe that can be Cedric Alexander, who returns tonight. On top of that we also have a street fight between Brian Kendrick and Akira Tozawa to finally blow off their feud. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
The announcers preview the street fight.
Rich Swann vs. Ariya Daivari
This is due to Swann causing Daivari to ruin his $1,500 shirt last week. After some yelling from Daivari, Swann sends him outside for a baseball slide. They both head outside this time with Swann being sent into the LED ring skirt. Back in and we hit an armbar, followed by a Codebreaker to the same arm. It’s off to a cobra clutch for a good while until Swann fights up with the good arm. The big spinning kick to the head gives Swann two, followed by the Phoenix Splash for the pin at 6:31.

Rich Swann vs. Ariya Daivari: WWE 205 Live, May 23, 2017
Result: Rich Swann b. Ariya Daivari – Phoenix Splash (6:31)
Post match Noam Dar comes out to shove Swann off the top for a big crash to the floor.
We look back at the history between Aries and Neville.
Neville and Aries (eating a banana) join us via satellite for an interview. Graves asks is Neville sees this as the biggest challenge of his career and Neville is instantly annoyed at such a suggestion. Aries doesn’t like Neville saying that he’s beaten him twice and brings up the cheating. Neville calls that slander but Aries says it’s just truth. Not that it mattes as Aries has a bunch of submissions ready, capped off by the Last Chancery to take the title that belongs to him. Neville says bring it.
Cedric Alexander vs. Johnny Boone
A big elbow to the face sends Boone outside and he looks a bit shaken. Boone comes back in and eats the springboard clothesline, followed by the Lumbar Check for the pin at 1:33.
Result: Cedric Alexander b. Johnny Boone – Lumbar Check (1:33)
We look back at Drew Gulak and Tony Nese attacking Mustafa Ali last week.
Gulak gives us something like a campaign commercial, talking about how horrible it is when cruiserweights ruin the division’s good name for the sake of drawing applause. Join him in his campaign for a better 205 Live.
Brian Kendrick vs. Akira Tozawa
Street fight and Kendrick starts with his jacket still on. Brian tries for an early weapon but gets taken down by a suicide dive instead. A hiptoss onto the announcers’ table is good for two back inside and Kendrick is in a lot of trouble early on. The right hand sends Kendrick to the apron but he low bridges Tozawa to the floor for a big crash.
A table is pulled out but they slug it out instead of setting it up. Tozawa’s dive is broken up with a thrown jacket and Kendrick suplexes him on the floor for good measure. It’s time to get creative as Kendrick wraps duct tape around Tozawa’s mouth before putting on the Captain’s Hook. Tozawa only uses the ropes to climb to his feet and the hold isn’t broken by him touching the ropes.
Sliced Bread is broken up as Brian is sent outside, leading to a fight on the stage. Kendrick gets the better of it and tapes Tozawa to the post for a whipping with the belt. Kendrick pulls out a table as Tozawa frees himself somehow and whips Kendrick IN THE FACE with the belt.
That doesn’t do him much good though as he jumps into the Captain’s Hook. The escape sends them both outside again with Tozawa firing off kicks and snapping off a Saito suplex for a thud. Kendrick goes face first into the steps so Tozawa can put him on the table for a HUGE top rope senton backsplash. Brian is completely done so Tozawa throws him inside for the pin at 14:32.

Akira Tozawa vs. The Brian Kendrick - Street Fight: WWE 205 Live, May 23, 2017
Result: Akira Tozawa b. Brian Kendrick – Top rope backsplash through a table (14:32)
Kendrick is helped out as Tozawa celebrates to end the show.
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