Cuban first spoke about how he wants to expand NJPW on AXS:
“We’re looking to expand it on Friday nights. We want to do more live, as opposed to the delay, and we’re talking to them about special events.”
He comments next on paying for ‘Wrestle Kingdom 12’ to air on AXS:
“We’re getting to know them better. We went from a delay to a short delay to live, so we’re going to get smarter about it. The numbers keep on going up. Other TVs are declining, and ours are going up. That’s a good sign. There are some nights when it beats MMA, it’s doing that well.”
Finally, Cuban explains why McMahon isn’t threatened by NJPW working with AXS:
“No, he thinks we’re just little sh—. We’re not a threat because of the language. That’s the biggest challenge, the language. But if you’re a purist for wrestling, and you like the action, it’s the best promotion by far. People here aren’t going to connect as directly, but if you really love wrestling, then it’s a no-brainer.”
Check out the following video, as it is now less than a month away from NJPW’s biggest show of the year – ‘Wrestle Kingdom 12.’

NJPW's Wrestle Kingdom 12 in the Tokyo Dome | January 6th on AXS TV
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