When working as Mr. Kennedy for WWE, Anderson was approached by The Undertaker who was impressed with him and wanted to work a program. This is what he had to say:
“He came up to me after I had worked with Batista at The Great American Bash and I got busted open two different times in the match, I was covered head-to-toe. He came up to me and said, ‘I saw your match with Batista, I liked it, I want to do business with you.’ And then he went to Vince and said the same, and we were married to each other for the better part of the next year. So he was fantastic to me.”
Daivari explained how he managed Muhammad Hassan, who had a lot of locker room heat. Undertaker had to work house shows with them. This is what Daivari had to say:
“I remember the first time they had a house show match ‘Taker was just like, ‘Everyone hates you, but f–k em, let’s just go tear the house down. It was something that you never saw.”
Daivari would also manage Mark Henry and The Undertaker during their feuds with him:
“Even with Khali, they were having terrible matches. At any point in this thing I thought ‘Taker was going to go to Vince and just say, ‘I don’t want to do this anymore.’ And he never did, he went like four months of just terrible matches on house shows, on pay-er-views, on TVs.”
If you would like to hear the full audio podcast, WrestlingInc has provided it at the following link, which we highly suggest watching.

WINC Podcast (8/30): Anderson & Daivari Talk Undertaker, Enzo Backstage Heat, SD! Live Review, Miz
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