This was originally going to be a nice little article about an Anthem excutive offering a fond farewell to the Broken Brilliance of Matt Hardy. Here, check the Tweet.
We thank @matthardybrand for a superb performance in Broken Universe. May the seven deities guide with their Broken Brilliance left behind
— Ed Nordholm (@EdNordholm) March 10, 2017
But then Reby Hardy responded, and things got a lot more interesting.
MORE than happy to play this game
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) March 10, 2017
The ensuing rant, well… We’ll print the whole thing below, but here’s the gist.
Reby is upset because of a great many things on TNA’s end. First is a historical video package that made no mention of Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle. Then there’s the apparent “shit talking” from Jeff Jarrett. Impact is apparently taking some sort of action against Señor Benjamin (really Reby’s dad), as well.
Reby claims that Impact threatened to sue shortly after Nordholm’s tweet, and also insinuates that the numerous recent departures from TNA come from similarly dissatisfied places.

The Broken Brilliance Meet Decay Once Again | IMPACT March 9th, 2017
If you want to hear that all with some more detail, and some stronger language, here you go:
Can we just talk about how many times Matt’s contract could have been broken due to NUMEROUS issues on TNA end and never made a fuss about shit, but MFers wanna try & come at us NOW, *after the fact* ?! Don’t you have an owl to promote or some shit!? Or – I dunno – a company to “make great”? Instead of acting like the petty little bitches you are????
Speaking of petty, nice video package on TNA’s “history”: with NO visual or mention of Jeff – who gave his all for 7 YEARS – or Kurt?! But y’all sure made sure to get those two video ID shoots of Jeff Jarrett in there LMAO. But it’s “just business, brother”, right? PETTY. Everything these boys have done for the company & you wanna try & fuck us for the sake of it. Literally no other reason except YOU MAD lol
How about my husband leaving me A DAY AFTER GIVING BIRTH to make your TV tapings ? That’s how dedicated this MFer was to the company. How about how the 3 highest rated TV segments of 2016 were financed by HARDYS solely to help the product & because they BELIEVED IN TNA. Or ALL THE SHIT TALKING BY JJ throughout contract negotiations & Matt was STILL THERE, professional & trying to make things work for 2017!
Oh & this the best part…these MFers trying to come after SEÑOR BENJAMIN. LMAO I CANT. “Señor Benjamin” – my dad, by the way – who was never paid a dime by the company & who was obviously never under contract… Not that those contract things mean anything to TNA. Until after they’re over or until 3 days before they expire, apparently.
Funny thing is, everyone who ever actually had anything to do with #BROKEN Matt Hardy has our back on this. WHAT DOES THAT SAY TO YOU? Damn near 20% of your roster leaving in the span of a week, all citing the same reasons or none at all. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?
And then a fakeass “wishing you well” tweet from @EdNordholm, mere HOURS before threatening to sue us. SUCH A FITTING END, MAN. Seriously, you couldn’t write this shit… Well. TNA couldn’t write this shit… any writers worth a shit left too! ?
Real cute how TNA can go radio silent for WEEKS (with exception of nonsensical drunk texts from JJ) but we get a 2 hour deadline to respond Fuck you think this is, “Taken”? LOL I can’t.
Good luck explaining to your talent that their pay checks are late (again) because you’re spending all your $$ suing the Hardys.
And fuck that owl.