The following are the full spoilers for the first round of the 2018 Mae Young Classic tapings that recently took place at Full Sail University:
Episode One:
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Tegan Nox defeated Zatara to advance. They did a handshake to start. Zatara is working as the heel. Tegan fakes out a suicide dive with a spin through the ropes. Zatara ties up Nox’s injured knee in the ropes and works it over. Tegan with forearms. Uppercut in the corner by Nox. Flying crossbody by Nox for 2. Zatara with the running double knees in the corner for 2. Tegan hits a Shining Wizard and picks up the win.
* Ember Moon and RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss are shown at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Rhea Ripley defeated MJ Jenkins to advance. Armdrags to start. Rhea hits a dropkick to cut off MJ doing a springboard. Stiff clothesline from Rhea. Rhea with a 10+ second delayed vertical suplex for 2. MJ with a hiptoss out of an abdominal stretch, but Rhea gets back in control. MJ hulks up and fights off with some punches. MJ slips on a springboard attempt, but they gather it up and MJ hits a springboard dropkick for 2. Rhea hits a pumphandle sitout bomb for the win.
* Lio Rush is shown at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Lacey Lane defeated Vanessa Kraven to advance. Lacey tries with kicks, but the size difference is too great. Lacey dives off the apron, but Vanessa catches her and slams her on the apron. Lacey fights back, but Vanessa hits a modified Black Hole Slam and only gets 2. Lacey once again fights back and lands a crucifix roll up for the pin and the upset.
* Sho Funaki and Tye Dillinger are shown at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Meiko Satomura defeated Killer Kelly to advance. Meiko with a side headlock, Kelly transitions into a head scissors. Meiko transitions out of it and flattens Kelly with a forearm. Great technical chain to start. Kelly with a bicycle kick for 2. Meiko fights off a surfboard attempt. Meiko with a springboard armdrag into a half-crab and an STF. Kelly gets to the ropes. Meiko with kicks and a handstand knee to the face. Kelly catches a leg and hits a vertical for 2. Meiko hits a cartwheel knee to the head. Kelly cuts Meiko off up top and latches in an inverted guillotine. Kelly hits a fisherman suplex for a nearfall. “This is awesome” chants. Meiko hits the Death Valley Bomb for the win in an excellent match.
Episode Two:
* Samoa Joe is shown at ringside
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Deonna Purrazzo defeated Priscilla Kelly to advance. Good back and forth match. Priscilla with an STO for 2. Deonna reverses an Irish Whip into a Russian Leg Sweep and locks in the Fujiwara Armbar for the win.
* WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander and his daughter are at ringside to watch his wife in action. Natalya is also at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Zeuxis defeated Aerial Monroe to advance. Zeuxis slaps Aerial’s hair and Aerial tells her if she touches her hair again she’s gonna pop her in the mouth. Zeuxis begins a lot of hair pulling and throws Aerial around by her hair. Aerial catches a kick and hits a running uppercut. Aerial hits a cartwheel kick and only gets two. Zeuxis ducks a kick for a roll up. Zeuxis tosses Aerial up top and hits a Spanish Fly for the upset win. Fans were not happy at all with that outcome and they boo the announcement.
* Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan are shown at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Kacy Catanzaro defeated Reina Gonzalez to advance. Reina overpowers Kacy to start. Kacy tries fighting back, but is again overpowered. Backbreaker stretch by Reina. Kacy ducks a clothesline but gets a brutal clothesline to the back of the head. Kacy gets Reina into the ropes and jumps outside to neck Reina. Kacy hits a split over the top rope into a springboard dropkick off the middle rope. Kacy rolls up Reina for the surprise win. Reina leaves angry, but comes back and shakes Kacy’s hand and puts her on her shoulder to celebrate.
* The Undisputed Era is shown at ringside
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Mercedes Martinez defeated Ashley Rayne to advance. They trade near falls early on. Mercedes blocks a tornado DDT and turns it into a lengthy delayed vertical. Mercedes plants Rayne with a spinebuster for 2. Forearms and chops by Rayne take Mercedes down. Rayne with a crossbody off the top. Rayne with a cradle for 2. Mercedes powers out and hits the Fisherman Suplex for the win.

WWE Mae Young Classic 2018 Parade of Champions
Episode Three:
* Tyler Breeze is shown at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Kaitlyn defeated Kavita Devi to advance. Devi with a powerslam for 2. Not much to this one. Kaitlyn with a cannonball and a spear for the win.
* Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, Billie Kay and Peyton Royce are shown at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Toni Storm defeated Jinny to advance. Toni with a huge kick and knees to the face in the corner. Jinny plants Toni into the turnbuckle for 2. Jinny takes control. Jinny with a suplex for 2. Jinny working over the arm and neck. Jinny with a huge forearm. Toni with a huge German suplex, a hip attack in the corner, and a double underhook sitout bomb for the win.
* Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae are shown at ringside with Miss Anita, the grandma that NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa has had run-ins with in previous NXT episodes.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Xia Li defeated Karen Q to advance. They bow to start instead of a handshake, and then go into a kung-fu style showdown, trading a flurry of kicks. They bow again and Karen slaps Xia. Xia fights back with some stiff kicks to the leg. Xia with a spinning heel kick for 2. Karen with a Samoan drop, but nobody home on the frogsplash. Xia hits a ground corkscrew kick for the win. Really fun sprint.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Mia Yim defeated Allysin Kay to advance. Mia with a stiff kick from the apron to Kay. Kay with a huge pounce. Kay with chops on the outside. She rolls Mia into the ring but eats a kick, and Mia hits a suicide dive. Kay ducks a chop, and Mia hits the ring post. Dueling chants in the crowd. Mia goes for an armbar, but Kay powerbombs her with the one arm lift. They go nose-to-nose and trade shots until both go down. Mia with a Code Red for 2. This is awesome chants. Kay with a discus lariat for 2. Both girls land head kicks simultaneously and go down. Shelton shouts at Mia, and Mia asks why he’s here. Mia hits Eat Defeat from the top rope and gets the pin, to Shelton’s hilarious dismay.
Episode Four:
* Kassius Ohno is shown at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Hiroyo Matsumoto defeated Rachel Evers to advance. Collar and elbow stalemate to start. They trade shots, until Hiroyo knocks Evers down. Hiroyo necks Evers on the top and hits a stiff dropkick off the top rope. Hiroyo lays Evers across the middle ropes in the corner and hits running knees. Rachel with a pop-up spinebuster. They trade forearms. Rachel with a cutter and a senton for 2. Rachel with a springboard leg-drop for 2. Hiroyo with slaps, and hits a lariat for 2. Rachel bounces up from a suplex but gets laid out by a clothesline. Huge powerbomb and a side suplex from Hiroyo scores the win. Evers foot was under the rope, but no controversy in the finish. Excellent match.
* Adrian Jaoude and Dana Brooke are shown at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Taynara Conti defeated Jessie Elaban to advance. Taynara bows instead of the handshake. Taynara with an STO. Taynara is dominating and working over the arm. Jessie fights back with dropkicks and takes control. Taynara hits a spinning side slam for the win.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Nicole Matthews defeated Isla Dawn to advance. Nicole with a head pat in the corner. Isla with a double stomp and a jumping double knees for 2. Nicole has control for most of the match. Isla fights back with a big side suplex. Fisherman suplex for 2 from Isla. Nicole with a Liontamer with her knee in Isla’s neck and Isla is forced to tap out.
* Robby Brookside and Akira Tozawa are show at ringside.
* First Round Match, 15 minute time limit: Io Shirai defeated Xia Brookside to advance. Fast start, as Xia attacks with forearms. Io hits a headstand on the top rope into brutal knees to the chest. Chinbreaker from Xia. Huge punch by Io. Double knees in the corner and a moonsault, and this one is over. Fun sprint to end night one of the tapings.
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