Normally, the return of a top star from a major injury is a hit of the reset button. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and the WWE Universe usually turns the star face, as they tried to do with Seth Rollins recently.

Instead, Rollins returned and claimed that the opinion of the fans is meaningless to him, and he just picked up as a heel right where he left off back in November.

There was some backlash about that decision because the WWE Universe thought that Rollins would lose to Roman Reigns at “Money in the Bank.”

However, Vince McMahon is said to be the reason behind that decision because he believes that Seth Rollins could be “one of the biggest bad guys in wrestling history,” according to

During his original heel run and run as WWE Champion, Rollins would get consistent help from The Authority and others to keep him as the champion. After defeating Reigns clean, he’ll be able to believably stand on his own.

It’s very unlikely that Roman Reigns will walk out of “Battleground” as the WWE Champion. If there is a planned title change at “Battleground,” it will have to Rollins that takes the title away from Dean Ambrose.

Do you think Seth Rollins is better as a heel or as a face?


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