Say what you will about The Miz, but he’s done it all in WWE. Like it or not, he has main evented Wrestlemania with John Cena. He’s a great tag team wrestler. Although much of his focus is on movies, he could be of great help to someone like Neville who doesn’t have the same appeal as many.
The Miz has a lot of good points in the backstage segment. Neville is no doubt someone with incredible in-ring talent, but he’s not getting over like he did in NXT because the main roster requires more flash of personality.
A partnership with Miz could be a great idea. WWE could just go in a direction of Miz vs. Neville and do the routine angle, or the two could form a tag team that would give both men purpose. Neville versus anyone in The New Day would be great in the ring and the personality shifts could give Neville fresh life on the main roster.