Swann earned his title shot by defeating Kendrick twice in the weeks leading up to the show’s debut, including in a singles match. Kendrick was the second ever champion, having defeated the inaugural champion TJ Perkins back in October. This win likely leaves Perkins as the next challenger to the title, though a triple threat isn’t out of the question.
They really had no choice but to change the title. In addition to needing something to make the debut episode memorable, it’s not much of a secret that Kendrick hasn’t been the most interesting champion. He’s really just an older guy who was suddenly turned heel after a big underdog run in the Cruiserweight Classic. Swann is a fun character and one of the few cruiserweights to really connect with the fans. This was the right call and hopefully a good start to the newly adjusted division.
Did you watch “205 Live”? Is Swann the right choice as champion? Let us know in the comments below.