I’m putting him down as not a fan. Earlier this month, Ronda Rousey made her in-ring debut and was a smash hit, destroying both Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in their mixed tag match at WrestleMania 34. The match received some very positive reactions with Rousey blowing away expectations. She looked far better than most rookies and clearly had some major talent. However, not everyone was a fan, including a certain wrestling legend who took to Facebook to complain.
This isn’t exactly old school.

Ronda Rousey shows no mercy against Stephanie McMahon in her WWE in-ring debut: WrestleMania 34
First off to the fan who wrote.. ” I find Ronda’s use of Piper’s
gimmick nauseating ” You my brother are dead on my man !!!
I find it a total insult and absolutely reveals that she does not have an original thought in her head. Damn, can’t she be an original at anything ? This shows you how shallow she is and by the way, I am a fan of females being in the main event. That is why I put up this photo of Amanda Nunes kicking her ass in 48 seconds. She looked pitiful, a TKO in 48 seconds on Dec. 30th, 2016 by Nunes, a real fighter and Rousey just a jobber.
Speaking of jobbers, I read today a quote by Meltzer that shook me to the core, it goes as follows, ” There was a rumor going around by WWE officials prior to mania 34 that Rousey was going to make HHH tap out to her armbar finisher ( instead of Stephanie McMahon ) and it appears the company went in the latter direction specifically due to storyline continuity reasons; as Rousey attacked Stephanie’s arm the next night on Raw whereas HHH is not a regular on-screen character and has disappeared for now.
“WHAT ??? Miss Lousy was going to make H tap out ??? This would have been received as well as a cement truck full of pig sh*t being dumped on the mania 34 fans. God folks, what is the WWE thinking ??? RR is not a god of some kind but a mere female x UFC failure that got her flat ass kicked twice on the way out. Now this is nauseating. I demand that you fans respond to this crap the WWE is trying to lay on you by even thinking about her making HHH tap out, god this makes me sick.
Opinion: I’ve never thought of Rousey as ripping off Piper’s gimmick but rather a tribute to him. Rousey has made it clear that not only is she a huge Piper fan but also that he and his family gave her permission to use the name. This comes off as someone ranting and raving without knowing what’s going on and that’s not really making Graham look like someone worth listening to here. Hopefully he comes around because Rousey is working in the role and isn’t likely going anywhere anytime.
What do you think of Graham’s comments? Is he way off base? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 26 wrestling books. His latest book is the WWE Grab Bag.
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