One more blonde for the road. The WWE women’s division is always looking for more talent and more often than not, that talent comes from outside their ranks. Be it one of the many talents being signed from Japan or someone from an indy company, outside names are always an option. Sometimes though, they develop a talent all on their own and it works very well.
Opinion: Lana has the potential to be one of the best things to happen to the division in a long time. Not only is she stunningly beautiful but she has the kind of natural athleticism and charisma that could take her a very long way in a very short time. She’s someone that could be very valuable to the division and if she has even the slightest bit of in-ring skill, that’s what she’s going to be.

Lana arrives as the Women's Money in the Bank briefcase is revealed: SmackDown LIVE, June 6, 2017
Do you think Lana will win the title? Did you like the way she made her return? Let us know in the comments below.