Monday Night Raw
Date: October 12, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton Samoa Joe, Tom Phillips

It’s the second night of the Draft and that means we get to see the final rosters set up, or at least the rosters that matter. Next week will likely be their final nights on Raw and then it’s off to the races the night after the Cell. That means we need to build towards the pay per view as well so let’s get to it.

Here’s Randy Orton to start things off. He’s ready to win the title in the Cell, but one thing you can’t deny is that 2020 has been the year of Drew McIntyre. Not only has McIntyre become WWE Champion, but he has been running through his competition. That’s all well and good, because last week he got taken out by the RKO, and that is going to be the case again in the Cell.

Cue McIntyre, who says he kicked Orton in the head at Clash Of Champions for everyone else, but next time, it’s going to be for himself. Drew wants to fight now though and the brawl is on at ringside. Orton gets dropped onto the announcers’ table and bails, with McIntyre saying he has three hours to do this tonight.

Here’s Stephanie McMahon for the first batch of draft picks.

To Raw: The Fiend Bray Wyatt

To Smackdown: Bayley

Raw: Randy Orton

Smackdown: Street Profits

Raw: Charlotte

Aleister Black vs. Kevin Owens

No DQ. They brawl on the floor to start before heading back inside so they can both miss finishers. It’s already back to the floor with Black kicking him in the head but Owens is back with the Cannonball against the barricade. it’s table time, with Owens going up onto the barricade but being slammed off onto the announcers’ table, which doesn’t break (but the top does go flying).

Back from a break with a chair in the ring and a legsweep sending Owens face first into the seat. Black throws a few more chairs inside but Owens uses a chair to block the running knee. A DDT onto the chair gives Owens two and he opens up four chairs next to each other. The superplex attempt is broken up so Black hits a top rope Meteora through the four chairs for two. The table is set up inside but the Black Mass is blocked. Owens hits the Stunner and then powerbombs Black through the table for the pin at 12:04.

Result: Kevin Owens b. Aleister Black – Powerbomb through a table (12:04)

More picks:

Raw: Braun Strowman

Smackdown: Daniel Bryan

Raw: Matt Riddle

Smackdown: Kevin Owens

Raw: Jeff Hardy

It’s time for MizTV, with Miz and John Morrison talking about some of the biggest changes so far. Miz calls out Morrison for using Seth Rollins’ catchphrase, but it’s cool because he’s on the other show. This week’s guests are Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose, with Mandy not being happy with Miz causing her to be sent to Raw. Miz thinks Mandy is happy here and offers her his back for a thank you pat.

That isn’t happening, so Miz moves on to Mandy possibly turning on Dana like she did on Sonya Deville. They’re ready for tonight’s battle royal but here are Natalya and Lana to ask why those two blondes are being interviewed instead of the two of them. Lana talks about how awesome they are with their social media influencing so Mandy tells them to stick to Tik Tok dancing because they don’t win much. The brawl is on and we take a break.

Back with MizTV continuing and Miz talking about the debut of Miz and Mrs. He has a Plan B, so here’s his next guest: John Morrison. John talks about how everyone is wondering when the Dirt Sheet is going to debut…and here’s Lars Sullivan to wreck the show, with Miz bailing to leave Morrison to take the beating on his own. That includes a Freak Accident, with Miz looking terrified.

We look at the New Day being split up with Kofi Kingston/Xavier Woods, the Smackdown Tag Team Champions, coming over to Raw.

Adam Pearce is with Kofi/Woods and the Street Profits, who trade titles to make things a lot easier to understand. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode come in and say they want a title shot tonight, which is granted.

More picks.

Raw: Retribution

Smackdown: Lars Sullivan

Raw: Keith Lee

Smackdown: King Corbin

Raw: Alexa Bliss

Here’s Seth Rollins for the big farewell. He wants to soak it all in one more time because Raw is losing a huge name. Above all else, Raw is losing a leader and no, there is no one to step up and take his spot. It won’t be Dominik or Rey Mysterio because they are going to Smackdown with him. Rollins knows this is a bad night for everyone so…..actually never mind as here’s Jeff Hardy to interrupt.

Seth laughs off the idea that Hardy is going to be a leader and thinks Jeff should be more focused on Lars Sullivan this week (this surprises commentary, even though the match was announced earlier). Rollins goes to leave but here’s AJ Styles to say he is the leader around here but Seth gets in his face. Hardy dives onto both of them and says get a referee out here for a triple threat tag match.

Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles vs. Seth Rollins

AJ goes after Jeff’s leg to start and Rollins is sent outside. The fight is on but Rollins comes back in for the double teaming. AJ rolls Rollins up for two and Seth is sent outside again. The Whisper in the Wind is broken up and Hardy is sent outside, meaning Rollins can take him out with a dive. Rollins sends AJ outside as well and dives onto both of them as we take a break.

Back with Rollins holding Hardy in a chinlock with AJ out on the floor. Rollins gets up and shouts about how he runs this house but AJ gets back in. Hardy is back up with a Whisper in the Wind to both of them and everyone is down. A standing Hennig necksnap hits Rollins and Hardy adds a sitout gordbuster for two on Styles. Rollins breaks up another cradle on AJ, who is back up with a reverse DDT for two more on Hardy.

It’s Rollins coming back in with a Falcon Arrow for two on AJ but the Stomp is broken up with a tornado DDT from Hardy. The Swanton is broken up but AJ pulls Rollins into the Calf Crusher. That’s broken up with a rope break so Jeff hits the Swanton with AJ stealing the near fall. The Twist of Fate hits AJ but here’s Elias to BLAST Hardy with a guitar, giving AJ the pin at 13:23.

Result: AJ Styles b. Jeff Hardy and Seth Rollins – Styles pinned Hardy after a guitar shot from Elias (13:23)

More picks.

Raw: Elias

Smackdown: Sami Zayn

Raw: Lacey Evans

Smackdown: Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura

Raw: Sheamus

Lana/Natalya vs. Mandy Rose/Dana Brooke

Dana starts with a headscissors to Natalya, who is back up with a belly to back drop. Lana comes in for a suplex to Dana and it’s time to stomp away in the corner. Natalya does the same and hands it back to Lana for a crossface armbar. Dana fights up and gets over to Mandy for the tag so house can be cleaned. Mandy knees Lana down and Dana climbs onto her shoulders for the Swanton and the pin at 4:12.

Result: Mandy Rose/Dana Brooke b. Lana/Natalya – Swanton to Lana (4:12)

Post match Mandy and Dana leave as Natalya says this isn’t working. She says she’s done and walks away from Lana, who cries.

The Hurt Business talks about how they’re here for Retribution, but Ricochet comes up to say he’s here for one last match on Raw. That’s why he wants one more match with the Hurt Business so let’s blow it off tonight. If Ricochet wins, the feud is over, but if Ricochet loses, he’ll join the team. Cedric Alexander would love to take him up on that.

Angel Garza vs. Andrade

Zelina Vega is on commentary. Garza TAKES OFF HIS PANTS to start and grabs a headlock on Andrade to start. Andrade isn’t having that and hammers away with elbows to the head, followed by a kick to the taped up thigh. A superkick gives Garza two but Andrade hiptosses him into the corner. Andrade hits the Judas Effect to send Garza outside but Garza sends him into the apron. Back in and the Wing Clipper finishes Andrade at 2:55.

Result: Angel Garza b. Andrade – Wing Clipper (2:55)

Post match Vega checks on Andrade but here’s Alexa Bliss (who Vega had insulted during the match) to hang upside down in the corner. The Fiend pops up and it’s stereo Sister Abigails to plant Vega and Andrade. Bliss and Fiend stare at each other again.

More picks.

Raw: Nikki Cross

Smackdown: Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

Raw: R-Truth

Smackdown: Apollo Crews

Raw: Dabba-Kato

Raw Tag Team Titles: Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode vs. New Day

Kingston and Woods are defending and still have the Big E. intro. Ziggler rolls woods up to start but Woods is back on top of him for two of his own. The grappling continues until it’s Roode coming in to headlock Kingston. That’s broken up and Kofi hits his jumping elbow to Roode’s face. Ziggler gets in the Fameasser though and we take a break.

Back with Kofi getting stomped against the ropes and Roode dropping the middle rope elbow for two. Kofi gets a boot up though and hands it off to Woods to snap off a running headscissors to Ziggler. The Honor Roll hits Roode and a running dropkick through the ropes takes Ziggler down again. Woods’ springboard tornado DDT gets two and he gorilla presses Ziggler, who blocks a drop into a kick to the face.

Ziggler hits a running DDT for two more and Roode’s spinebuster is good for the same. A kick to the head gets Woods out of trouble as Kofi takes Ziggler out on the floor. It’s back to Kofi who kicks Roode in the head as well. The top rope double stomp/backbreaker combination (now the Midnight Hour) finishes Roode at 11:56.

Result: New Day b. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode – Midnight Hour to Roode (11:56)

Elias says that was the first single off his album Payback, as Hardy hit him with a car and took him out for months. Charly Caruso says that Hardy was never proven to be the driver so the real one might still be out there. Elias shrugs that off and says that he is releasing his magnum opus, a new album, on October 26. Next week though, it’s a concert.

We look back at Mustafa Ali being revealed as the leader of Retribution.

Ricochet vs. Cedric Alexander

If Ricochet loses, he’s in the Hurt Business, which is here at ringside.. Alexander kicks him in the face to start and we’re already into the chinlock. That’s broken up so Alexander hits him in the face a few times (MVP: “SLAP HIM FOR ME ONE TIME!”). Ricochet is back up with a half nelson suplex but he has to bail out of the 450.

A kick to the head staggers Alexander but he’s right back with the Michinoku Driver for two. The referee goes down and MVP throws Ricochet a chair, which he uses on….no one, instead going with the Eddie Guerrero move of throwing it to Alexander and grabbing his head. The referee gets up and that’s enough for the DQ at 5:27.

Result: Ricochet b. Cedric Alexander via DQ when the referee thought Alexander used a chair (5:27)

We look at Braun Strowman vs. Keith Lee last week. They meet again next week, and it’s SANCTIONED.

It’s time for the final picks.

Raw: Titus O’Neil

Smackdown: Carmella

Raw: Peyton Royce

Smackdown: Aleister Black

Raw: Akira Tozawa

Battle Royal

Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, Lana, Mandy Rose, Natalya, Dana Brooke, Billie Kay, Peyton Royce, Nikki Cross, Lacey Evans, Nikki Cross, Bianca Belair, Tamina, Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan

The winner gets a title shot at Asuka, on commentary, at some point in the future. Before the match, Nia says either she or Shayna is going to win the battle royal so everyone can jump over the top right now. The brawl is on instead and we get the Nia vs. Tamina showdown, with Tamina being thrown out in a hurry. Billie goes after Jax and gets sent to the apron, where she hurts herself by shouldering Nia in the ribs. Nia headbutts her out as Asuka is very, very excited on commentary.

Jax shrugs off the group elimination attempt and dumps Mandy and Dana at once. Everyone goes after Nia again and Shayna gives them the final boost for the elimination. Nia freaks out…..and drives Lana through the announcers’ table again. We cut to the back where Orton and McIntyre are brawling and take a break.

Back with Billie having been eliminated during the break. Lacey and Nikki fight in the corner until Lacey forearms her out,. Shayna Kirifuda Clutches Riott on the apron but can’t get her out. The Clutch has Belair in trouble again but she flips out and tosses Baszler for an upset. The Riott Squad tosses Belair and we’re down to Morgan, Riott, Evans and Natalya. It’s time for the quick tag match, with the Squad being sent over the top and eliminated at the same time, leaving us with Evans vs. Natalya for the title shot. Lacey grabs a waistlock before kneeing Natalya in the ribs.

A big slap ricks Evans again as Asuka has left commentary and is watching in the back for no apparent reason. They fight out to the apron with Lacey being sent into the post but saving herself. Natalya charges into a boot and has to hang onto the middle rope with her feet dangling. She gets back up as well until Lacey tries a hurricanrana for some reason. That earns her a whip into the post for the elimination…but here’s Lana, who was never eliminated, to knock Natalya off the apron for the win at 11:24.

Result: Lana won a battle royal last eliminating Natalya (11:24)

Post match here are Orton and McIntyre to brawl again, with agents and referees breaking it up to end the show.


Kevin Owens b. Aleister Black – Powerbomb through a table
AJ Styles b. Jeff Hardy and Seth Rollins – Styles pinned Hardy after a guitar shot from Elias
Mandy Rose/Dana Brooke b. Natalya/Lana – Swanton to Lana
Angel Garza b. Andrade – Wing Clipper
New Day b. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler – Midnight Hour to Roode
Ricochet b. Cedric Alexander via DQ when the referee thought Alexander used a chair
Lana won a battle royal last eliminating Natalya

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for “GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES” to sign up. Thank you for reading!


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