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Date: September 21, 2019
Location: Nytex Sports Center, North Richland Hills, Texas
Commentators: Rich Bocchini, Tony Schiavone
It’s time for the fallout from last week’s War Chamber, meaning it’s time we get ready for the next World Title challenger. Since the champ’s team lost last week though, odds are we get to wait on that for a little bit. Instead tonight is about the Tag Team Titles, with the Dynasty defending against the Hart Foundation in 2/3 falls match. Let’s get to it.
After War Chamber, a bloody Josef Samael says this isn’t over with the Von Erichs. He’s coming for both the kids and David Von Erich himself. Hail Contra.
Opening sequence.
Jordan Oliver vs. Zenshi
The rest of Injustice is at ringside. Oliver flips out of a wristlock to start so Zenshi walks on his hands and armdrags him down instead. Back up and a springboard headscissors doesn’t work on Zenshi, who avoids a dropkick and hits a standing shooting star for two. An Injustice distraction lets Oliver grab a super anklescissors but Zenshi flips out of that too.
Kotto Brazil finally helps Oliver out with a trip so Oliver can chop away in the corner. That’s not slowing him down either as Zenshi comes right back with his own shots, including some to break out of a waistlock. Oliver finally gets in a belly to back for two and a dropkick to the back of the head makes it even worse. Zenshi gets sent to the apron but he’s fine enough to hit a shooting star off the apron to take Reed down.
A kick to the head into a corkscrew splash gives Zenshi two so it’s time for Brazil to yell at the referee. That means there’s no count off of Oliver’s backslide so Zenshi gets up and hits his running spinning cutter. That’s good for two as Reed pulls the referee out, allowing Oliver to hit a Stunner onto the apron. A springboard 450 from Reed, with his chest protector, finishes Zenshi at 7:10.
Result: Jordan Oliver b. Zenshi – Springboard 450 (7:10)
Post match the beatdown is on until Gringo Loco makes the save with a chair.
Dominic Garrini is still coming.
Savio Vega has been cleared to return after being injured by Alexander Hammerstone.
Mance Warner is out of jail thanks to his uncle and he’s looking for Jimmy Havoc. They’ll be having a Bunkhouse Brawl where anything goes in the building goes.
Video on the Hart Foundation vs. the Dynasty, which has been going on for a long time.
Richard Holliday joins us from the gym at 6am….for a tan.
MLW is returning to Orlando.
We look back at War Chamber with the Von Erichs and Tom Lawlor defeating Contra.
The Von Erichs want the Tag Team Titles. Makes sense.
We look back at LA Parka and Salina de la Renta announcing their plans to challenge for the World Title at SuperFight.
Salina and Jimmy Havoc are ready to destroy Jacob Fatu and Mance Warner. By the end of tonight, Jimmy will be drinking Warner’s blood. Salina: “He’s my favorite.”
Tag Team Titles: Dynasty vs. Hart Foundation
Dynasty (Holliday/MJF with Aria Blake) is defending and this is 2/3 falls with Teddy Hart/Davey Boy Smith Jr. for the Harts. Tony on seeing MJF on Rosie O’Donnell as a kid: “I never have advocated hitting children. You shouldn’t do it. But I wanted to smack that little son of a b**** in the mouth.”
The Dynasty does Rock Paper Scissors to determine who starts, ala the New Age Outlaws and the Outsiders. Teddy breaks it up and the bell rings so we hit the stall button as the champs walk around on the floor. Hart’s Arabian moonsault takes everyone down and it’s all Harts early. They keep fighting on the floor with Teddy sending MJF face first into the bell, with Tony saying the match just started and making fun of the referee. Pay attention chum. We settle down to Teddy kicking MJF out to the floor as Tony and Rich keep going about the bell not ringing before the fight.
Back in and Hart works on MJF’s arm, including the Rings of Saturn. Somehow MJF manages to shout at a fan while still screaming in pain. With Hart in awe of MJF’s abilities, it’s Smith coming in to shove Holliday around. Smith wins a wrestle off and gets two off a headlock takeover. A keylock works a bit better, followed by a release German suplex to send Holliday flying.
That’s enough for the Dynasty to head to the back but they’re dragged back in rather quickly. Everyone gets back inside and an atomic drop has Holliday’s eyes bugging out. Hart gets two off a neckbreaker and a snap powerslam is good for the same. Holliday is back up with a spinning spinebuster for his own two and the champs start taking over. The Paisan elbow gets two and Blake goes to rake the eyes, only to have Teddy bite her fingers.
A reverse tornado DDT gets Hart out of trouble and it’s Smith coming back in to take over. We get what looked to be some miscommunication between Smith and Holliday but Davey hits a powerslam anyway. A top rope headbutt gets two on Holliday and a delayed piledriver is good for the same. Holliday jawbreaks his way to freedom from a sleeper and they collide for a knockdown. MJF shoves him onto Smith….for the first fall at 17:24. Tony: “I never would have believed that.”
We get a thirty second rest period and are told that Warner vs. Havoc is confirmed for next week. MJF hits Smith in the head and gets a rather scary glare, plus some hard rams into the buckle. Hart comes back in for the Canadian Destroyer, followed by Project Ciampa to Holliday. The super Canadian Destroyer sets up the moonsault elbow to tie it up at 20:11.
That lets us hear about Douglas James vs. Timothy Thatcher next week before we come back to Holliday breaking up Hart’s hammerlock DDT. Everything breaks down and Austin Aries comes out to hit Hart with a title belt, followed by a brainbuster onto the apron. Aries asks if he has Hart’s attention and drops the belt in the aisle as Hart is done on the floor. Hart can’t beat the count and the Dynasty retains at 23:46.
Result: Dynasty b. Hart Foundation two falls to one (23:46)
Hart is out cold and has to be carried out to end the show.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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