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Date: April 20, 2019
Location: Melrose Ballroom, New York City, New York
Commentators: Rich Bocchini, Jim Cornette
You can see some stories coming into focus at the moment and that makes for some interesting stories. Tonight’s main event is Mance Warner vs. Sami Callihan, which should be a good way to go. Well maybe not good but at least a fun brawl. The problem is the main events are getting more and more brawl based and that can only last for so long. Let’s get to it.
Air Wolf/Rey Horus vs. Lucha Bros
Pentagon swears at Wolf in Spanish and we’re ready to go, allowing Cornette to rant about how much he can’t stand traveling in New York. Fenix and Wolf trade arm holds on the mat until a springboard armdrag sends Fenix outside. Pentagon superkicks Wolf down but Horus grabs an armdrag on Pentagon to take over again. Wolf and Horus’ dives are blocked by stereo kicks to the face and the fight heads outside with Fenix chopping Horus against the barricade.
Some more keep Wolf in trouble and Pentagon even takes the glove off to make it even better. The Bros unload with the superkicks, including a double shot to a kneeling Wolf. The flipping wheelbarrow splash gets two on Horus so it’s back to the chops between Wolf and Horus. A quick springboard Downward Spiral takes Fenix down so Pentagon comes back in for another superkick.
The Pentagon Driver gets two with Horus making the save this time around. Horus dives into a kick to the ribs but is fine enough to grab a Spanish Fly for two more. Not to be outdone, Fenix hits the spinning kick to the head, setting up the Black Fire Driver for another near fall. The Bros have had it though and it’s a double superkick into the spike Fear Factor for the pin at 7:43.
Result: Lucha Bros b. Rey Horus/Air Wolf – Spike Fear Factor to Horus (7:43)
Video on Contra vs. Tom Lawlor.
Salina de la Renta won’t say when LA Park will cash in his title shot because it doesn’t make sense to say when they’ll go for the title. She calls Sami Callihan a warthog so here’s Sami to break up the press conference.
Ace Romero vs. Josef Samael
The fight starts on the ramp with Samael already bailing. A chop has no effect on the huge Romero but kicking the ropes as he gets inside certainly does. Some crossface shots keep Romero in trouble but he drops backwards onto Samael for the breather. Romero goes up top and gets slammed down, with the crash knocking the referee off his feet. To go really old school, Samael loads up the boot and kicks Romero in the face for the pin at 3:13.
Result: Josef Samael b. Ace Romero – Kick to the head (3:13)
Post match the beatdown is on until Barrington Hughes comes in and gets beaten down as well.
Lawlor says if Contra wants to be famous, come after the champ. He’ll face any combination of them face to face, man to boys. It’s time to remind people how filthy he can be, and he has friends coming.
We look at LA Park winning Battle Riot II.
We look back at Sami going after Salina earlier tonight.
Ricky Martinez comes up to Sami and the fight is on in the stairwell.
We look back at the Hart Foundation stealing the Dynasty’s car.
We see the Harts inside the car, with smoking and cats doing various cat things. They imply that something is in the glove compartment and also suggest that MJF did various, uh, favors, to get into the Dynasty. Hart: “With those tight pants of his.”
Gringo Loco vs. Puma King
Loco dives over him to start, setting up an anklescissors for no effect. Cornette goes into his regular explanation of why luchadors roll around so much as they flip to a standoff. Puma won’t shake hands, instead going with a spinebuster and low superkick. The top rope hurricanrana sends Loco to the floor for the springboard dive.
Back in and King hits what looked to be a low blow but Loco is fine enough for a springboard cutter for two of his own. King hits a heck of a pop up powerbomb and goes up top, only to get caught in a super Spanish Fly for two more. Puma grabs a superplex and rolls into a second but the third is blocked. The top rope hurricanrana is countered into a tiger bomb to give Loco the pin at 6:53.
Result: Gringo Loco b. Puma King – Tiger bomb (6:53)
Salina has a proposition for Mance Warner if he’ll take care of Sami for her. Warner turns the hat around but his granddaddy Mad Dog taught him what happens if you lay down with women like him. He’ll pass on those fleas. Salina: “Well….uh….your genitalia has fleas!”
The Dynasty drinks Red Bull with MJF saying they’re not firing on all cylinders. The losses have been flukes and they want to take the Hart Foundation down. We get a group cheer, but Hammerstone doesn’t seem convinced.
Sami Callihan vs. Mance Warner
After Cornette gets in a shouting match with Callihan, the brawl is on in a hurry. They fight to the floor with Sami choking against the barricade but the first eye poke gets Mance out of trouble. Beer can shots to the head keep Sami down but he finds a chair and drives it into Warner’s throat. A suplex on the floor (after several block attempts) just wakes Warner up so Sami gives him another one onto an open chair.
Mance sends Sami to his knees off a chop. They head inside with a chair being thrown in and the bell rings….which seems to be a mistake. Mance uses the distraction to chair Sami in the back as the announcers get in an argument about Sami being a guest on Cornette’s podcast. Sami gets creative by tying Mance up with his own suspenders and wrapping a chair around his neck. Warner is back up with a Bionic elbow but the drop toehold sends the chair into the throat again.
That doesn’t seem to do too much damage as Mance sits him in the corner and hits a headbutt. Sami is right back with a Tombstone through the open chair….for two. If that’s not going to be the finish, don’t do the spot. A table (with only one leg) is brought in and set up in the corner with Sami spearing him through it for one. Back up and Sami spits in his face so it’s a lariat into the knee to the face for two more. Mance loads up something in the corner but Ricky Martinez and Hijo de LA Park run in to jump him for the DQ at 10:05.
Result: Mance Warner b. Sami Callihan via DQ when Ricky Martinez and Hijo de LA Park interfered (10:05)
Post match Sami makes the save and it’s a handshake between Callihan and Warner. They keep brawling with Part and Martinez to end the show.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1.
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