With a special guest star. One of the cool things WWE does from time to time is send its talents to other promotions, even for a short time. These are never full time moves, but it’s still cool to see one of the bigger names show up every now and then. It’s been done a few times in recent years and now it’s happening again.

As announced on their Twitter page, PCW UK will be hosting its Road to Glory Tournament on February 10, which will feature an appearance by WWE’s Apollo Crews. This seems to be another instance of WWE sending its talent to a promotion they hope to build a working relationship with, similar to Progress or Insane Championship Wrestling. Here’s the announcement as well as a thank you Tweet to WWE.


Here’s one of Crews’ more impressive WWE performances.

Apollo Crews vs. Tyler Breeze: Raw, April 4, 2016

Opinion: I know Crews might not be the biggest deal in the world and might not have had the most success in WWE but it’s still cool to have him around for something like this. He’s still a WWE name and that’s the gold standard for wrestling. If nothing else it’s cool to see him at a place like this which is a special treat for the fans. Cool indeed, even for a lower WWE name.

What do you think of Crews appearing like this? Who else would you like to see work an indy date like this? Let us know in the comments below.


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