The dinner was held in a very fancy restaurant, with some of the top stars on the card joining Vince McMahon for a nice meal. The dinner was complemented by a number of waiters and musicians who could be seen and heard in the video below.
Those in attendance, besides McMahon himself, include the following:
- Shane McMahon
- Triple H
- Brock Lesnar
- Kurt Angle
- The Undertaker
- Roman Reigns
- Mark Henry
- Rusev
- Randy Orton
- The Great Khali
- Braun Strowman
There is every likelihood other performers and personnel were there too, but no others were featured in the video. We speculate names like AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy were likely to have also been there. Check the video out for yourself below:

WWE Superstars Having Dinner - Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Roman Reigns & More (VIDEO)
The Greatest Royal Rumble is scheduled to take place within the next few hours on the WWE Network. The pre-show begins at 11 a.m. ET and an hour later the official show will begin.
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