WrestlingInc is reporting that “Raw” superstar Curt Hawkins and “Smackdown Live” superstar Mojo Rawley have been taking humerous shots at one another on Twitter the past few weeks.
Below are a list of their various exchanges on Twitter:
Being an awful wrestler? Trust me, we all know. https://t.co/ZrgSoK4WUw
— Brian Myers (@Myers_Wrestling) May 19, 2017
It's a known FACT that I was traded for @JinderMahal in the Superstar Shake Up. You might as well just hand the title over @BrockLesnar #RAW
— Brian Myers (@Myers_Wrestling) May 23, 2017
You literally only exist because you're friends with @RobGronkowski #FACT https://t.co/9vZxXQdbbb
— Brian Myers (@Myers_Wrestling) May 23, 2017
Take 2 weeks off & quit. https://t.co/RYackgubDs
— Brian Myers (@Myers_Wrestling) May 24, 2017
Hey, I'm pretty sure there's a room with a bunch of wrestling rings at the PC. Why don't you spend some time in there instead? ? https://t.co/GEvlGW72Bz
— Brian Myers (@Myers_Wrestling) May 26, 2017
As this friendly rivalry continues to develop, Wrestling Rumors will bring you more updates from Mojo Rawley and Curt Hawkins.

Mojo Rawley vs. Curt Hawkins: SmackDown LIVE, Dec. 20, 2016
Editor’s Note:
This is hilarious to me. Both are underrated talents and them having this small ‘fight’ on Twitter will likely provide both with more exposure. Good luck to the both of them, I say.
What are your thoughts on Mojo Rawley and Curt Hawkins? Will this help them at all? Let us know in the comments or over on our Facebook page or Twitter account. You can also follow me at @SOSNH1995.