As first broke by Ryan Satin of Pro Wrestling Sheet, Amore is now under investigation by Arizona police following the alleged rape of Philomena in October of 2017 while inside a hotel room.
Philomena initially tweeted the following:
“OKAY..it’s been long enough & I have been so so scared to share this. I was raped in mid October by the WWE Enzo Amore (also known as Eric Arden) & Tyler Grosso & TOOPOOR let it happen as accomplices. I was in a mental hospital for 45 days after it. They ARE NOT good people.”
On that tweet, she included four screenshots. These include her quoting a tweet by designer Tyler Grosso where she comes out with the allegation- claiming Grosso set her up to be raped by Amore, a long message to a user with the handle @ItsMariahdoll, a small DM with Gross where he asks if she is ok and finally an explanation of what took place in her words.
On the message to Mariah Doll, Philomena had the following to say:
“Tyler & TOOPOOR invited me to their friend’s hotel to hang out with their friend & I went. Basically they got me so fucked up (coke, meth, weed) I went into psychosis. The guy told TOOPOOR & tyler that he was gonna rape me & at first they were like “please don’t like you really shouldn’t” but then they gave up and were like “okay have fun” TOOPOOR kissed me on the cheek & they left me there with them. It was such a brutal rape like I’m still so fucked up from it I haven’t had sex since October which is when it happened. I’m in the process of pressing charges. The guy who raped me is a famous WWE wrestler. @real1.”
More of the details are shared in the last screenshot:
“The original question TOOPOOR asked me was if I would suck Enzo’s dick. I said possibly but if I wasn’t down she said we could all just hang out. Then they got me way fucked up & they left knowing what was about to happen. When Enzo the WWE guy stared coming on to me I was passed out on the couch. I said “I want to get to know you first before doing anything.” He replied, “Bitch I have 1million followers on instagram…you should be begging for this dick.” & then he restrained me & it happened. I never would be this dramatic about something like this but I want you all to know that I would’ve left if I could. I was in psychosis- I had no idea what was going on. I remember bits &pieces & I have constant flashbacks..My mental issues have been the worst ever & i suffer from major PTSD from it.”
Philomena would continue her thread by including a DM screenshot of her conversation with TOOPOOR where it seems the two are attempting to meet up at first, with the final tweet likely coming out after Philomena had come forward with the allegations. TOOPOOR explains that she will be contacting the detective on the case and will show the DMs on their side. In her tweet, Philomena says the following:
“Like your side of the story matters at all? You said if I wasn’t down to suck his dick we could just hang but intsead you drugged me & left me for dead. @toopoor_”
Another user by the name of Kat Slater with the handle @KatRatSlater commented, telling Philomena she should include Grosso and TOOPOOR in on the charges, also calling Amore a vile human being. Philomena responded with the following tweet:
“Most people only blame Enzo but believe me Tyler & Layla were 100% aware & involved & hopefully if these charges go though & they all get prosecuted I’ll feel so much safer. I love you & thank you so much.”
Following this, WWE were quick to issue a statement on WWE.com, confirming Amore has been suspended until this is resolved.
“WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving sexual harassment or sexual assault. Until this matter is resolved, Eric Arndt (aka Enzo Amore) has been suspended.”
As WrestlingInc report, Layla Shapiro- known as TOOPOOR had a series of tweets she has since deleted where she referenced the case. She had the following to say:
“People are quick to believe everything they read on the f–king internet. I’ve been framed and accused and I refuse to expose people with my platform. I don’t believe in that. I am innocent and i’m sick of being seen as the bad guy. lying manipulating and deceiving people is sick. If I have to I will speak the f–k up when appropriate. I’ve never done meth in my entire life i don’t even know what it looks like and I wouldn’t associate with anyone who does that either. I RESPECT ANYONE STRONG ENOUGH TO SPEAK UP ABOUT ASSAULT, IF ITS f–kING TRUE. CLINGING ON TO FAMOUS PEOPLE AND LYING ABOUT A CASE FOR A CHECK IS SICK AND ILLEGAL AND THE TRUTH ALWAYS COME TO THE LIGHT. PUT ME UNDER A LIE DETECTOR RIGHT NOW. IDK if you want a check or publicity but lying puts you in jail.”
Interestingly enough, TOOPOOR kept the following tweet on the situation up:
“for clout? publicity? a check? why the f–k would i set someone up for rape that is f–king disgusting.”
Through glancing over social media during that time- it is evident Amore was in the Phoenix area on October 18 as evidenced by the following picture to his Instagram account- which has the location set to Phoenix, Arizona.
He also had this clip from the Gila River Arena
However, the next day on October 19 when the alleged rape took place- Amore was at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) according to his Instagram account location again.
A representative for the Phoenix Police Department confirmed to Pro Wrestling Sheet that a report was filed and while still under investigation- everything is almost complete and the police are awaiting lab results.
“On Monday, October 23, 2017, at around 2:30pm, Phoenix Police responded to a local hospital for a call of a sexual assault that had reportedly occurred on October 19, 2017 at 401 West Clarendon Avenue. This case is under investigation.”
In their second point- the company explains that Philomena has openly spoken about faking a pregnancy in the past. The video- uploaded on January 7 features Philomena talking about lying to her boyfriend when she was 17 (now 19) about being pregnant. You can find that video here.
The video and whole story may mean nothing, though it has left many people to speculate that with her past, she could be doing the same to attract attention to herself.

In their third point, Heavy.com claim that Philomena has been sober since March of 2017. Not long before the alleged incident- Philomena tweeted she was “5 months sober” on August 9. She has also uploaded several videos to her YouTube channel on her journey to become and stay sober.

In addition to this, Philomena tweeted the following, the day after she was allegedly raped on October 20:
“Wanna get high so f**cking bad.”
We are unsure what this means- though Philomena did say she sought help after the alleged incident.
It is worth noting that Heavy.com mention Philomena is an aspiring actress, currently working numerous jobs around the Arizona area. She also sings and models.
There is also talk, according to Slice Wrestling on Twitter, that WWE officials may want to strip Amore of his Championship due to the negativity this incident has caused around the ‘Raw 25‘ special.
As many seem to have pointed out, Philomena has some serious holes in her story. It should be remembered that the investigation is underway. Wrestling Rumors will continue to update you on the situation as more information is available.
What are your thoughts on this case? Do you believe Amore is innocent or guilty?
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