On the women being represented on such a high level at the ‘Royal Rumble’ pay-per-view in January of next year.
“It’s huge, and incredible to see. Just in the past two years, like Stephanie said, this women’s evolution has just been taking off. I feel like every pay-per-view, the women just keep on getting opportunities and breaking down those doors and showing the world that we can do it just like the guys, you know?”

Stephanie McMahon announces the first-ever Women's Royal Rumble Match: Raw, Dec. 18, 2017
“It’s so cool to see, and what makes me really excited is we could potentially see a singles match at WrestleMania for the women’s championship, which is my dream. I just want to have that one-on-one match at WrestleMania.
So I’m praying to God that I win the Royal Rumble, but I know that the competition is going to be so hard. Hopefully we get to bring women from the past and women from NXT, because with just Raw and SmackDown we don’t have enough.”
Banks comments on which legends she would like to grace the ring with during the upcoming women’s Royal Rumble match.
“Gosh, of course Trish and Lita. Beth Phoenix, Molly Holly, Jacqueline, Jazz… I mean, bring ’em all. Just to even think of the potential legends that could be in that ring with me, that’s what I’m really excited about. It’s crazy to even think. I’ve gotten to meet Trish and Lita already, and Beth Phoenix, but to be in the ring with them would be such a huge honor. I would just be like a little kid again.
I feel like the guys get the opportunity to wrestle legends so much more than we do, so to have that potential is so cool.”
Banks then explains how it feels to have Paige back alongside newcomers Sonya DeVille and Mandy Rose (Absolution).
“It’s been awesome just because, you know, having three women added to our division, it adds so much more. And as you see on Raw, we’ve been getting that spot not just one time on the show, it’s twice on the show. And that’s so awesome to see, that there’s a storyline that’s not just driven for the championship, which I love. I want to see that more often, where yes, you have someone chasing the title, but I want a second storyline on the side too. Having three new girls has given us that opportunity.”
Finally, Banks provides an insight into her resolutions heading into 2018.
“Keep on breaking down the doors. I just want to wrestle and just be happy, that’s the No. 1. I want to wrestle and have fun. I want to steal the show. I want to be the face of the company. I want to main-event WrestleMania, if not this year then next year. I want to keep on striving to be the best I possibly can. I want to go down in the history books as the greatest women’s wrestler ever, but not just women’s wrestler, I just want to be the greatest superstar this company has ever seen.”
Who do you want to win the women’s Royal Rumble? What developments for the women in WWE do you want to see in 2018?
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