We keep hearing rumblings about a new WWE-run tournament featuring the best female competitors from around the world, similar to the Cruiserweight Classic. There’s little question that the tournament is taking place–the question is where, when, and perhaps most importantly, who.
PWInsider is reporting on a number of names who have been discussed for the event. First are Rachael Ellering and Deonna Purazzo, but that should come as little surprise given their appearances in NXT. But a number of independent names have also come up.
Evie (pictured above)–also known as Cheree Crowley–is a former Shimmer competitor and New Zealand-based wrestler. Kimber Lee has competed in both Shimmer and Chikara. Heidi Lovelace, too, competed with Shimmer, and spent a time at OVW after it became TNA’s developmental territory. Nixon Newell is a lesser-known Welsh wrestler.
None of these women are yet confirmed for the tournament–indeed, the tournament itself has yet to be confirmed–but it does seem they’re among the names being discussed for the upcoming event, which is expected to take place early in 2017.