You have to see it to believe it. WWE has posted a new video to its YouTube channel in which they show the Firefly Funhouse Match between John Cena and Bray Wyatt from WrestleMania 36. It was one of two cinematic matches that took place during the weekend.
You can see the match in its entirety below:

In this ultimate battle of good versus evil, evil won out. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt stood tall, and Cena, in his 15th match at The Grandest Stage of Them All, was downed. Yet, the result doesn’t begin to address the otherworldly journey that preceded it.
Inside the Firefly Fun House, Wyatt prepared onlookers for “another world that exists beyond our comprehension” and vowed that Cena was about to face his toughest opponent yet: himself.
Wyatt vanished and Cena was instantly transported into the Firefly Fun House, where Rambling Rabbit directed him through a door, but “portal” might be a more apt description.
Cena entered, and what followed was a haunting, transcendental, era-jumping trip through Cena’s career and beyond.
Cena and Wyatt teleported from Cena’s Ruthless Aggression debut (where Wyatt channeled Cena’s first opponent, Kurt Angle), to the set of Saturday Night’s Main Event (where Wyatt introduced Cena as his tag team partner “Johnny Largemeat,” a frantically dumbbell-curling caricature of 1980s Superstars).
At every turn, Wyatt taunted Cena, reminding him of his perceived flaws and failures. When Cena appeared decked out in full Doctor of Thuganomics mode, Wyatt characterized the 16-time World Champion as a “bully” and WWE’s “golden goose.” After Wyatt recounted his own “grandest failure” — his WrestleMania 30 loss to Cena — he offered Cena a steel chair and implored him to use it, just as he had done six years ago in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. Yet, When Cena swung the chair, Bray vanished, reappearing moments later on the set of WCW Nitro.
Now portraying Eric Bischoff, Wyatt introduced “the coolest guy who ever walked the earth,” and Cena entered the scene in a New World Order black-and-white T-shirt, strumming a spray-painted WCW Title like Hollywood Hogan in the late 1990s.
When the psychological warfare became almost too much to bear, Cena finally took down Wyatt, but instead of The Eater of Worlds, Cena found himself pummeling Huskus the Pig Boy.
Finally, “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt appeared behind Cena, hit Sister Abigail and sank in the Mandible Claw while Bray Wyatt — somehow — appeared to count the three.
Editor’s Opinion:
There are some people who loved this concept and some who absolutely hated it. I was one of the ones that loved it and thought it was both hilarious and creative. Whatever your feelings are, you can’t help but give WWE a lot of credit for thinking outside of the box and trying something incredibly unique. Given the circumstances that they were under, they tried to do something different that people would remember, and boy did they deliver.
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