He can’t let go. According to a new report by Sports Illustrated, sources within WWE indicate that Vince McMahon has no intention of the company, despite recently selling $700 million in TKO stock.
From the report:
Selling 8.4 million shares represented nearly 25 percent of McMahon’s holdings in TKO. The sale was disclosed in a securities filing last month, and it immediately raised questions over McMahon’s long-term future with WWE. Sources within WWE, however, shared that McMahon has no plans to leave the company. Though the reasons were undisclosed, Sports Illustrated learned that McMahon needed to have the money liquid, which is why he sold such a hefty portion of his stock.
The focus for McMahon is handling the items assigned to him by Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel. All accounts internally are that their working relationship remains a positive one.
Dana White, who is the UFC CEO, spoke with Sports Illustrated last week, and he highlighted McMahon’s value to the TKO enterprise.
“We didn’t have a great history before this,” said White. “Now that we’re partners, Vince could not be a better partner. And you know me–if it wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t give a f— and I’d say so. But that hasn’t been the case. He’s been a great partner.”
Editor’s Opinion:
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, as McMahon has shown in the past that he doesn’t like stepping away from the empire that he helped to create. Hopefully TKO and Dana White can keep everything in check, particularly on the creative side of things, but we will see!
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