You have to have a sense of humor. There are certain moments in a wrestler’s career that change things in a major way. Some of these might be financial, such...
Tis the season. Wrestlers often have a tricky job as they have to be a mixture of athletes, actors and characters, all at the same time. There are so many...
A shot across the bow(ens). There are a lot of ways to get attention in wrestling and one of the easiest is by using a microphone. A wrestling cutting a...
Does anyone like him? There are certain villains in wrestling who almost could not be a good person if they tried. These often make for the best heels in all...
That’s some quality trolling. There are certain wrestlers who just connect with the fans in the right way. You see them come to the ring and the fans instantly react,...
That’s not what was planned. Wrestling is a rather complicated presentation, as you have a mixture of action, drama, comedy, suspense and more, all mixed together with an athletic presentation...
Any publicity is good publicity right? Wrestlers are not brought up in the mainstream very often and when they are, it rarely winds up going well. Sometimes it can be...
He’s pretty easy to do. There is no one in the history of professional wrestling like Vince McMahon. It is almost impossible to be surprised by whatever McMahon does next...