Recently, the topic of WWE’s women main eventing a WWE PPV has picked up some steam and the WWE Universe has been debating about the issue.

It’s now being reported that WWE officials are tossing around the idea of Bayley vs. Sasha Banks becoming the main event of an upcoming WWE PPV, which is a great thing. The problem is it may be a bit premature.

To be clear, WWE’s women could not only handle the main event spot, but they’d give the WWE Universe something truly special to remember no matter who was in the match.

The issue I have with it is WWE’s women haven’t even been main eventing Raw or SmackDown consistently over the past year. A women’s main event for a WWE PPV would be a massive statement, but WWE could be forcing the issue to make history rather than legitimately give their women the spot they’ve earned.

Sure, the women main event a WWE PPV, but then what? Do they have the chance to be the main event of Raw and SmackDown on a regular basis? The fact is that hasn’t happened since Lita and Trish did it over a decade ago. Also, would they main event another PPV? How is doing to once really changing anything?

(Courtesy of
(Courtesy of

Every young baseball fan wants to debut in the World Series. That’s the dream, but that’s not how reality works. WWE women’s should be given the chance to main event Raw and SmackDown on a regular basis before main eventing a WWE PPV.

Main evening once for history’s sake isn’t enough. They deserve better and their main event wouldn’t be such a loud statement. It would be accepted like every other match, which is the point, right?

Do you think WWE’s women deserve to main event a WWE PPV soon?


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