After being screwed out of the Raw Women’s Championship by Alexa Bliss at Money in the Bank, Ronda Rousey blew a gasket on Money Night Raw this week. She took out her frustrations on both Bliss and Raw’s GM Kurt Angle. As a result of the latter, Angel was forced to “suspend” Rousey for 30 days, which is just a way to write her off television.
The WWE Universe doesn’t understand why the decision was made to suspend her and take her off Raw for a month. According to a report from Rajah, the reason why Ronda was suspended was to give her a logical reason not to appear at Extreme Rules. Since a match between Bliss and Jax has been announced, Ronda had nothing to do at the PPV.
Related: Ronda Rousey’s WWE Contract Ending Sooner Than Expected
It was reported a few weeks ago that Rousey would be missing Extreme Rules anyway, so it makes sense for her to be written off WWE television. Now, Nia Jax can have her rematch and WWE officials have set up Bliss vs. Rousey for Summerslam. However, her schedule is a little confusing because she’s advertised for shows within the next 30 days.
Rousey is scheduled to appear during a WWE live event this Sunday. By WWE logic, the argument could be made that she’s only been suspended from Raw. However, she’s also booked for three shows in early July in Philly, New York, and Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Ronda Rousey is suspended after launching an attack: Raw, June 18, 2018
Most fans are expecting Ronda Rousey to walk out of Brooklyn with the Raw Women’s Championship. A solid feud with Alexa Bliss should do wonders for her with the WWE Universe. Some people were skeptical she’d be able to perform and she proved them all wrong against Jax on Sunday. With two more months to train, she should do the same at Summerslam. After that, the WWE Universe may feel better about her winning the title.
Were you impressed with Ronda Rousey’s performance at Money in the Bank?