Not quite WONDERFUL! We’re firmly on the Road to Wrestlemania and that means each show is getting more and more important. Things are starting to get set up for the show and that means everything needs to be handled with care. That included last night’s “Monday Night Raw”, which featured the Ultimate Deletion. It was very different, but how many people were interested?
Miss last night’s show? Here are some quick highlights:

Top 10 Raw moments: WWE Top 10, March 19, 2018
Here are last night’s results.
Opinion: All in all, this isn’t bad. The Ultimate Deletion was a big draw and it’s nice to see that it was almost the same level of a draw as a regular show. There was a lot of effort put into it and it’s nice to see that it got a solid reaction. Other than that, the show was decent, so hopefully it continues to do well as we get closer to “Wrestlemania XXXIV”.
Here’s how the show wrapped up.

Bray Wyatt's fate is sealed on The Lake of Reincarnation - The Ultimate Deletion: Raw, Mar. 19, 2018
What did you think of this week’s show? Was the Ultimate Deletion a success? Let us know in the comments below.