One more time now. With the change of direction in Global Force Wrestling (formerly Impact Wrestling), the results from the upcoming tapings could be rather interesting. While the post “Slammiversary 2017” show has already been filmed, the followup episode was taped on Tuesday night.

Welcome to GFW IMPACT
Tyrus defeated Caleb Konley
Taiji Ishimori defeated Andrew Everett
Konnan introduces Alberto El Patron as the newest member of LAX, but Alberto asks what he is doing because he’s not joining them. Konnan then asks him to join and talks about what other companies have done to Alberto, but they will protect him here. Alberto says GFW is doing great things and he doesn’t mind being a loner, but Carlos (Konnan) has just become a bitter man. Konnan says they can start a Latin Revolution but again Alberto says no, so LAX beats him down. Lashley rushes out for the save and clears LAX out, then he hands Alberto the title and leaves.
Grand Championship
Moose (c) vs Naomichi Marufuji ends in no contest
– Moose won round one while Marufuji won the second, but EC3 ran in from commentary during the third and hit Marufuji with the title and the match was thrown out
Trevor Lee defeated William Weeks
– Lee wrestled the whole time with the stolen X Division title, then Sonjay Dutt ran out and attacked but Lee escaped.
Laurel Van Ness defeated Ava Storie
– Grado and Joseph Park came out to talk to LVN afterwards, and Grado hands her flowers and champagne. He introduces himself and calls her the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, and asks if they can go out on a date or Netflix and Chill. Laurel pauses as Kongo Kong rushes out and chases Grado and Park away.
Bobby Lashley & Alberto El Patron defeated LAX
– Non-title match. Alberto says after the match they make a good team, but LAX attacks him again and this time Lashley lets it happen.
Drago defeated Sammy Guevara
Opinion: I really, really hope El Patron isn’t joining LAX and therefore turning heel. This company has a long history of having their World Champion turn heel in a hurry and that can get old fast. They haven’t had a top face star in far too long and it’s becoming an issue. Let him be the star for a bit and have him fight some heels rather than becoming one himself.
What interests you the most out of these tapings? Do you like El Patron and Lashley being friends? Let us know in the comments below.