Date: July 19, 2016
Location: DCU Center, Worcester, Massachusetts
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, Jerry Lawler
Now this is a big one. Tonight we’re not only going live but also splitting the shows into two rosters again for the first time in a few years. There’s only been one other draft like this in company history and it wasn’t the greatest show in the world. The interesting things here tonight are the potential returns of former stars as well as the guaranteed NXT callups. Oh and a rematch from last night’s World Title match as a bonus. Let’s get to it.
We open with the Commissioners and the GM’s on the stage and a quick explanation of the rules:
1. Raw gets three picks to every Smackdown two.
2. Tag Teams are selected as a unit unless a GM wants a single member.
3. Raw has the first pick.
4. Six NXT picks will be made.
Stephanie cuts Foley off and picks Seth Rollins number one. So much for the title meaning a lot.
Daniel Bryan picks Dean Ambrose to put the Shield boys on different shows.
I won’t bother saying the specifics so I’ll just say which show.
Raw: Charlotte
Smackdown: AJ Styles
Raw: Finn Balor
Before we get to another pick, it’s time for a match.
John Cena vs. Luke Gallows
Rating: C-. This didn’t have time to go anywhere and I’m hoping the airing the match during the break doesn’t become a regular thing. If there’s one concept WWE never got, it’s the idea of giving the fans a breather. You can’t present every single moment as must see and expect the fans to stick with you through the insane amount of content WWE pumps out.

John Cena vs. Luke Gallows: SmackDown Live, July 19, 2016
Time for more picks.
Raw: Roman Reigns
Smackdown: John Cena
Raw: Brock Lesnar
Smackdown: Randy Orton
Raw: New Day
Darren Young/Zack Ryder vs. Rusev/The Miz
Challengers vs. champions. Backlund atomic drops Miz to start and Ryder adds a slingshot elbow for two. Miz pulls Zack off the ropes for a crash before it’s off to Rusev for some shots to the back. Miz gives up the hot tag to Young for his still generic offense. A quick Gut Check gets two but Rusev suplexes Darren, only to throw Ryder into a Rough Ryder on his partner. Zack dropkicks Rusev off the apron and the crossface chickenwing makes Miz tap at 4:05.
Rating: C-. No time here and I have a feeling that’s going to be the case for almost all matches tonight. That’s how things should go though as the wrestling isn’t the point here. Young making Miz tap sets up the title match just fine, though I don’t see much of a reason to get hyped for Ryder vs. Rusev. Maybe it was the losing to Sheamus in two minutes flat.
Xavier Woods vs. Bray Wyatt
Everyone is at ringside. Bray stands in the corner with his back to Bray before bending backwards. He even kneels in the middle of the ring to offer a free shot but Woods is afraid. Woods seems to be hypnotized so Bray beats him down and chokes a bit. The release Rock Bottom plants Woods again but he makes a quick comeback, only to walk into Sister Abigail for the pin at 4:47.
Rating: D+. This was all about the story instead of the match and that’s the right idea. Bray squashing Woods is the right idea too and it’s cool to see someone freaking out at the sight and thought of Bray. That almost has to play into the finish on Sunday but it also makes the titles more interesting. If Woods is teasing a split, they’ll have to drop the belts soon and that’s not happening Sunday.

Xavier Woods vs. Bray Wyatt: SmackDown Live, July 19, 2016
Kevin Owens vs. Kane
And never mind as Sami Zayn runs out to attack Owens. Kevin sends Sami in for a chokeslam from Kane but he chokeslams both of them for fun. No match.
Back to the picks!
Raw: Sami Zayn
Smackdown: Bray Wyatt (not the Wyatt Family)
Raw: Sasha Banks
Smackdown: Becky Lynch
Raw: Chris Jericho
Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte/Dana Brooke
Dana starts for the team but Sasha knocks Charlotte outside and hits the double knees off the apron. Back in and Dana misses a charge to set up the Bank Statement, only to have Charlotte break it up and hit Natural Selection for the pin at 2:21.
More picks:
Raw: Rusev w/Lana
Smackdown: The Miz w/Maryse
Raw: Kevin Owens
Smackdown: Baron Corbin
Raw: Enzo Amore/Big Cass
Chris Jericho vs. Cesaro
Cesaro uppercuts him to the floor and hits a running version up against the barricade. Back in and we hit the pinfall reversal sequence until Jericho slams him off the top. The Lionsault is countered into a Russian legsweep off the middle rope and it’s time for a Swing. The spinning springboard uppercut is countered into the Codebreaker for the pin on Cesaro at 4:53.
Rating: C+. In case you didn’t get enough of these two during the build to Money in the Bank. I’m really not wild on the idea of Jericho winning here as they don’t seem interested in actually doing anything with him despite giving him a bunch of wins. Cesaro continues to be that guy who keeps losing and WWE keeps expecting him to be over, which to be fair he kind of is.

Cesaro vs. Chris Jericho: SmackDown Live, July 19, 2016
Back from a break with Becky Lynch attacking Natalya before a match. Ok then.
Draft time.
Raw: The Club
Smackdown: American Alpha
Raw: Big Show
Smackdown: Dolph Ziggler
Raw: Nia Jax
Rollins says he’ll win tonight.
Time for the final five televised picks before 30 more will be made on the WWE Network.
Raw: Neville
Smackdown: Natalya
Raw: Cesaro
Smackdown: Alberto Del Rio
Raw: Sheamus
WWE World Title: Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins
Ambrose is defending and Rollins jumps him during the big match intros. We take a break before the bell rings with Dean being posted. Back with Ambrose saying ring the bell, allowing Rollins to hammer away in a hurry. A backbreaker sets up the chinlock before Rollins sends him outside for a chop off. Dean gets whipped into the barricade but he backdrops Rollins into the timekeeper’s area. Back in and Seth hits a low superkick for two as we take a break.
We come back again with what sounds like a CM Punk chant accompanying Rollins hitting a running forearm in the corner. Dean fights back with elbows to the face and a swinging neckbreaker for two. A quick Buckle Bomb sets up a missed frog splash but Rollins grabs a quick superplex. He loads up the Falcon’s Arrow but Dean reverses into Dirty Deeds at 12:21.
Rating: C+. The match was fine but it’s pure filler with Battleground and the triple threat looming. Rollins getting pinned clean is interesting as now Dean looks a lot more like an equal instead of someone who keeps getting beaten in the big matches over and over. It’s a good main event, though it feels kind of worthless after last night. Like, what did any of that accomplish?

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins - WWE Championship Match: SmackDown Live, July 19, 2016
Shane and Bryan come out to celebrate and a PPV rundown ends the show.
Overall Rating: B-. These are the hardest shows to review as there’s nothing to compare it to. They kept it moving fast enough and the wrestling was just there for the most part but they kept the draft picking moving and that’s a very good thing. This felt like something professionally run and that’s never really been the case in previous drafts. Good show here but this would have been better off after Battleground.
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