Wins and losses matter. If there is one person who has been around wrestling long enough to know a thing or two about winning and losing in a big match, it’s Ric Flair. He’s a sixteen time World Champion and someone who has fought (and often defeated) the biggest names in wrestling history. All those things would certainly make him worth listening to on how to make someone into a big star, and that would include Roman Reigns.
In a new interview with Sports Illustrated, Flair spoke on a variety of topics, including Reigns losing to Brock Lesnar so many times. While Flair does acknowledge that Reigns has lost several to Lesnar several times already, he sees it as a positive sign for Reigns. The way Flair sees it, if Reigns loses over and over again but is still pushed so hard, WWE must see something special in him. Here are Flair’s comments:
“This is a big couple of weeks for wrestling. WWE has come up with something creative for Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar, and I’m really looking forward to watching. It’s not the individuals who make the match any more, it’s the promotion. The fact that Roman has wrestled Brock three different times and not been successful shows the constant belief from the company that Roman’s ready to be the leader.”
Flair has talked about Reigns before.

Ric Flair weighs in on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Fatal 4-Way Match at WWE Battleground:
Opinion: I’m not sure what to think about something like this. Flair is right in his thinking that WWE is willing to push Reigns no matter what happens, but at the same time you can only have him come up short so many times before the chance is gone. The problem is that seems to have been passed a long time ago. The fans aren’t exactly thrilled with Reigns and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
Do you agree with Flair? What will it take to get Reigns cheered? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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