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Date: October 19, 2019
Location: Auditorio Municipal, Tijuana, Mexico
Commentators: Rich Bocchini, AJ Kirsch
This is a special show with Jimmy Havoc’s Slaughterhouse, meaning it’s basically a Halloween special. That means a bunch of violence and fighting, which is hardly the worst thing in the world. It makes sense to throw something like this out there for a change, but at the same time it doesn’t mean as much if you do that kind of violence so often. Let’s get to it.
We look at the Dynasty retaining the Tag Team Titles last week.
The Von Erichs know the Dynasty is scared of them and need to act like champions. The title match is still taking place in Chicago at SuperFight, in a Texas Tornado match for the Tag Team Titles.
We get a special Slaughterhouse themed intro, with Jimmy Havoc talking about being willing to bleed.
Havoc promises a lot of blood and violence, which he certainly likes. First up, Josef Samael vs. a member of Promociones Dorado in a Tijuana street fight. Havoc himself will be in a three way against Damian 666 and Savio Vega, where he takes the torch of being the best hardcore wrestler in the world.
Los Haraganes vs. Triple Amenaza
That would be Animal/Demencia/Silver Star vs. Star Boy/Arandu/Zarco. Los Haraganes hit dives before the bell and we starts fast. This is apparently a hot feud and it’s a big brawl as commentary admits the cameras are probably going to miss things.
One of the Haraganes (the announcers are reading cards about later in the show from Havoc) hits a middle rope gordbuster to set up a frog splash to set up a double stomp low blow for no cover. Commentary starts paying attention to the match as it’s Star Boy being hung in the ropes for a guillotine legdrop from Silver Star. Arandu comes in and gets reverse monkey flipped into a double dropkick as we take an early break.
Back with the match having settled down a bit for a chop off between Demencia and Zarco. Or maybe it’s Arandu as the commentary seems to be split. Ok now it’s 2-1 Zarco, who takes over with more chops and a dropkick into the corner. Animal comes in but his monkey flip attempt is blocked with a dropkick from Arandu. More changes without tags ensue but hang on as Contra hacks the feed.
Contra talks about how Mexico has had violence before but never the global dealers in violence. They’re coming for Salina de la Renta and Promociones Dorado. We come back with Star Boy getting one off a double underhook piledriver. There are some weapons piled up on the floor and the crowd seems to have lost some energy during the break. Star Boy is put on top and getting super hurricanranaed right back down as Animal isn’t pleased with the referee.
Arandu comes in for two off a spinebuster and a hanging swinging neckbreaker gets the same. It’s off to a seated abdominal stretch of all things but Silver Star makes a quick save. A somewhat messy sitout powerbomb gives Silver Star two and the announcers aren’t pleased with the speed of the count. Everything breaks down and it’s a springboard armdrag to send Zarco into (not through) a table at ringside. Star Boy and Arandu miss dives to go through the tables (or at least close to it), leaving Zarco to get triplebombed for the pin at 13:34 (on another VERY slow count).
Result: Los Haragnes b. Triple Amenaza – Triplebomb to Zarco (13:34)
Post match Los Haraganes beat up the referee for the slow counting.
Gino Medina is coming.
Brian Pillman Jr. has some fun with a young lady by the pool and isn’t worried about Low Ki. Jokes are made about Low Ki’s voice.
Salina de la Renta comes up to see Havoc and brings El Hijo de LA Park to represent Promociones Dorado in the street fight. Josef Samael jumps Hijo to break up the argument and the fight is on.
El Hijo de LA Park vs. Josef Samael
It’s a street fight outside in the back with Samael knocking him around and sending Park into some fences before nailing some crossfaces to the head. An argument with the referee lets Park fight back and slams him through a big piece of wood. Samael gets sent head first into a door but comes right back with punches and headbutts. Cue Simon Gotch and Ikuro Kwon to jump Park as Salina rants on the phone for someone to get over here now. Park is left laying and I’m not considering this a match as it was more of a long brawl to set up the big beatdown.
Mance Warner knows he and Jimmy Havoc love barbed wire so we’ll have a Stairway To Hell match at SuperFight. Hang the barbed wire above the ring and get a ladder so you can be even more violent.
Havoc was having fun until he heard from Warner. He’s studied the Stairway To Hell match (from ECW, not named here) and Warner is going to regret that challenge.
The SuperFight Control Center doesn’t add anything new but the card does look pretty good.
The Dynasty sings God Bless America because they’re so glad to be back home. Richard Holliday brings up his lawyer/father (MJF: “JUST CALL HIM YOUR FATHER!”) and they talk about trying to get out of the Texas Tornado match. Maybe he could get it turned into a Dynasty Tornado match. As MJF tries to wrap his head around that, they decide to just go on the yacht. Well only after MJF cuts Holliday off from any more coffee.
Savio Vega vs. Damian 666 vs. Jimmy Havoc
Hardcore and Salina is here with Damian and wants some revenge on Havoc. Damian and Vega double team Havoc to the floor to start before Vega knocks Damian down in a hurry. It’s time for the cookie sheet from Havoc but Vega brings in a kendo stick and the trashcan. Vega grabs a chair but gets whipped over the back by Damian’s belt.
Everyone heads to the floor to keep hitting each other before Vega takes Damian back inside for a whip into a chair. Havoc busts out the thumbtacks onto a chair, which he gets knocked onto for the painful comedy spot. Vega goes off with the revolving trashcan lid shots and slams Havoc onto the chair for two.
We get the required table, which has a broken leg before it is even set up. They get the table stood up and Havoc crotches Savio on top. The superplex through the table plants Vega (and makes the table explode) but Havoc makes the save and hits the Acid Rainmaker to finish Vega at 9:48.
Result: Jimmy Havoc b. Savio Vega and Damian 666 – Acid Rainmaker to Vega (9:48)
Post match Damian gets a Rainmaker of his own. Damian’s son Bestia makes the save.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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