Fusion #16
Date: August 3, 2018
Location: Melrose Ballroom, New York City, New York
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Matt Striker
We’re past Battle Riot and that means things are back to normal around here. Tom Lawlor won the big event and has what is pretty much a Money in the Bank contract. Other than that we have some stories coming out of the Battle Riot which could make for some interesting TV. You never know what to expect around here so let’s get to it.
Here are the Battle Riot results if you need a recap.
Note that this is listed as episode 16, meaning Battle Riot was 15.
We look at the footage of Shane Strickland being attacked. Sami Callihan has admitted to being behind it due to bringing Shane out of the horrible places in wrestling and making him a star. Now he’s doing it for the money because Shane believes that he’s a bigger star than he really is. That means it’s time for a match.
Opening sequence.
The announcers run down the show.
Brody King vs. Jimmy Havoc
King shoves the much smaller Havoc so Havoc does it right back. A missed charge puts King on the floor and Havoc goes after him with a suicide dive DDT. Havoc stops for a beer and apparently it charges him up enough that he avoids a chop, sending King’s hand HARD into the post. King’s hand is fine enough to send Havoc head first into the post and a clothesline gets two.
A standing backsplash gets the same and the rocked Havoc rolls to the floor. Back in and Havoc slaps away at the legs, eventually wrapping the leg around a rope for a chop. King comes back by smacking him upside the head for two. Havoc fakes a poke to the eye and grabs a DDT to put King down. A rolling Death Valley Driver and a kick to the head gives Havoc two but King sticks him with a piledriver.
One heck of a gutwrench powerbomb gives King two more and frustration has set in. A Fire Thunder Driver (the Go Home Driver) plants Havoc again and King can’t believe the kickout. With nothing else working, King grabs a chokeslam, which is countered into a rolling cradle to give Havoc the pin out of nowhere at 10:06.
Result: Jimmy Havoc b. Brodie King – Rollup (10:06)
Brian Pillman Jr. is in the back when Kevin Sullivan comes in to talk about how great Pillman Sr. is. Sullivan offers him support and advice but Brian says he has a lot of work to do. We can’t just give Sr.’s accolades to Jr., even though Sr. respected you “Bookerman”. Sullivan seems fine with this and shakes Pillman’s hand.
Earlier today Salina de la Renta was with Sami Callihan when Low Ki came in. Low Ki pays him off and they agree to keep working together, as long as the money keeps coming.
Video on Lawler winning the Battle Riot.
Lawlor celebrated at Fenway Park.
Jake Hager vs. Simon Gotch
Hager jumps him before the bell and the referee is fine with starting the match, with Striker not being pleased. Gotch gets sent shoulder first into the post and Hager slowly stomps away until the referee tells him to let up. The delay lets Gotch score with some forearms and clotheslines but a gutwrench powerbomb plants him for two. Gotch spits in Hager’s face, earning himself a boot to the head for the pin at 3:05.
Result: Jake Hager b. Simon Gotch – Boot to the head (3:05)
Joey Janela’s girlfriend Aria Blake is excited about his Middleweight Title shot next week but here’s Maxwell J. Friedman to be annoying. He and a buddy of his have a bet about whether or not Aria is interested in a better life than living in Joey’s grandmother’s basement. Aria says no and walks away.
Here’s the newest Top Ten:
10. ACH
9. Rey Fenix
8. Teddy Hart
7. John Hennigan
6. Jake Hager
5. Sami Callihan
4. Pentagon Jr.
3. Jimmy Havoc
2. Shane Strickland
1. Tom Lawlor
Konnan tries to sign Fenix to a contract but a ticked off Salina comes in to tell Konnan to mind his own business. Pentagon Jr. doesn’t look happy.
LA Park is coming.
Jimmy Yuta and Jason Cade get in another fight, this time with Cade punching him.
Preview for next week’s show with Friedman defending against Janela and John Hennigan vs. Teddy Hart.
Teddy Hart thinks Rich Swann and ACH are laughing at him but they deny everything and leave.
Shane Strickland vs. Sami Callihan
Sami has the Death Machines with him. After a long entrance, Sami does the thumbs up/thumbs down thing, only to charge straight into a kick to the head. They go outside with Sami kicking him in the head as well but Shane pops him again. Back in and Sami hides behind the referee, allowing a low blow to cut Shane down. The double underhook shoulder breaker gets two and it’s time for Sami to go after Shane’s bad knee.
A kick to the leg has Shane in trouble and Sami mocks the WHO’S HOUSE chant. We hit a modified Indian Deathlock and then a pretty bad Figure Four to keep Shane in trouble. He turns it over to force the break and Sami tells offers him an open jaw. Instead Shane hits a combination clothesline and palm strike and kicks Sami into the corner but the running boot bangs up the leg again. Shane is fine enough for the rolling cutter but Sami’s slingshot swinging neckbreaker gets two.
They trade shots to the face until both guys are knocked down, earning a well received round of applause. Sami gets sent to the apron for a low superkick and Shane plants him with a Death Valley Driver. The Swerve Stomp connects for two and Sami spits in Shane’s face. You know, because it worked so well for Gotch. An angry Shane walks into a powerbomb into a half crab…on the good leg.
Sami switches over into an STF, with Tony thinking it’s fortunate to not be on the bad leg. Some fishhooking is enough to make the referee break Sami’s hold so Shane is right back with a short armscissors. The Death Machines get on the apron for a distraction though but Sami’s Cactus Driver is countered into a pinfall reversal sequence. A kick to the bad knee is enough to set up the Cactus Driver for the pin at 15:50.
Result: Sami Callihan b. Shane Strickland – Cactus Driver (15:50)
If you like the sound of this show, check out the full episode right here.

MLW Fusion Episode 16: Sami Callihan vs. Shane Strickland
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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