Main Event
Date: March 7, 2019
Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Renee Young, Percy Watson
Things started happening in a hurry last week as WWE suddenly remembered that they needed to set up Fastlane outside of the big matches. That made for some eventful stuff this week and hopefully that translates to this show as well. I’m not sure if I should believe that to be the case or not, but you have to have hope. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Apollo Crews vs. EC3
Rematch from last week. EC3 takes him down with a quickly broken headlock as Crews fights up with a dropkick and armdrag. Crews gets stomped down in the corner for a bit and we hit the reverse chinlock. A clothesline cuts off Crews’ comeback but Crews gets in one of his own. That’s enough to head up top, only to get crotched back down. The 1%er finishes Crews at 5:25.
Result: EC3 b. Apollo Crews – 1%er (5:25)
From Raw.
Here’s Roman Reigns to open things up to another solid pop. Reigns says last week was the comeback but this week it’s time to take the yard back. There was one person standing in his way and that’s Seth Rollins. This brings out Rollins, who says what an inspiration this is for him. Rollins wants to bring the Universal Title back to Raw but he knows what Reigns is going through. If anyone deserves the shot, it’s Reigns. That sounds nice to Reigns, but he tells Rollins good luck.
There’s one more thing though: he wants to get the band back together one last time. Rollins: “Anything but that.” The fans certainly seem to like the idea so Reigns talks about it not being clear what Ambrose is doing. All Reigns knows is that he wants one more moment with his brothers. Rollins isn’t sure about this because he put that part of his life behind him…but Reigns is right. For Reigns’ sake, he’s in. Reigns wants Ambrose out here right now so here he comes, but Elias blasts him in the back with the guitar. Reigns and Rollins chase him off and Ambrose staggers away.
It was quite the tease:

Rollins tries talking to Ambrose about getting the Shield back together but it’s a no. He appreciates the help last week but now he has to do it on his own.
From Raw.
Post break Dean is still in the ring when Reigns and Rollins come out to pitch the reunion one more time. Dean goes through the crowd instead but here are Lashley, Corbin and McIntyre to interrupt and make fun of the Shield being split again. The fight is on until Ambrose runs back to the ring for the save. Rollins and Reigns do the pose and Dean throws his fist in for the big reunion.
And there it is:

We look back at Batista attacking Ric Flair last week and calling out HHH.
Here’s HHH to talk about Batista and Flair. HHH says he was here last week for Ric Flair, but also for Richard Fliehr, one of the best men he has ever known. They were at each other’s sides for their weddings (well, most of Flair’s weddings as HHH couldn’t make all of them) and HHH was next to him when Fliehr buried his son. Then a year ago he stood by Fliehr’s bed when he was clinging to life and was scared to answer his phone because he thought it was the call saying he was gone.
Last week HHH wanted him out here to be the Nature Boy one more time but Batista wouldn’t let that happen. Batista has been trying to get HHH’s attention for months and when HHH got hurt in November, it seemed to be the end of things. That wasn’t good enough for Batista, who finally didn’t quit for once. So Batista attacked a seventy year old man who was trying to have one more moment?
Now Batista wants to show up on a screen and go Bad Guy 101 with HHH by saying he doesn’t like Philadelphia? HHH doesn’t care where he wants to go and he’ll come to Batista’s house or go to a movie set if he has to. When Batista comes to see him, it’s going to be the man instead of a character and Dave has to look him in the eyes.
I think he’s serious:
Tyler Breeze/Lucha House Party vs. Jinder Mahal/Singh Brothers

Lince Dorado and Kalisto for the Luchas here. Sumir shoulders Dorado down to start and we get the Bollywood dancing. That just earns him a dropkick and it’s off to Sunil, who gets taken down with a spinning crossbody. Kalisto comes in for the splashes and we take an abrupt break. Back with Breeze getting the hot tag and kicking Sumir in the face for two. Everything breaks down and the Beauty Shot drops Jinder, leaving Sunil to take the Salida Del Sol into the shooting star press to give Dorado the pin at 7:39.
Result: Tyler Breeze/Lucha House Party b. Jinder Mahal/Singh Brothers – Shooting star press to Sunil (7:39)
We look back at Kevin Owens taking Kofi Kingston’s place in the Fastlane title match.
We see the brawl between Owens and Rowan from Smackdown.
From Raw.
Here’s Stephanie McMahon with the Women’s Title and the agreement for Becky to sign. After we see Rousey laying the title down last week, Stephanie brings out Charlotte and Becky. Stephanie explains the hold harmless agreement but Charlotte mocks her before any signing takes place. Becky offers to fight her right now on one good leg and there’s the signing.
We cut to the back where Rousey is storming into the arena and come back with her walking to the stage (must be a huge arena). Rousey storms in and demands the title back. Stephanie hands it over and changes Sunday’s match. Now, if Becky wins the on Sunday, she’s in the Wrestlemania title match. Ronda isn’t done yet though and yells at Stephanie about making money for the company. She goes into a rant against the fans about how terrible everything is and how she’s sacrificed so much for this company and then they boo her out of the Staples Center.
Screw the Woo and the beating is on with Charlotte getting kicked to the floor. Rousey puts Becky in the armbreaker and cranks back before hammering away in the corner. The armbreaker goes on again and Charlotte leaves as Ronda poses over Becky. Ronda puts the hold on for the third time as they seem to have wrapped things up very early.
This was a little different:

Ronda Rousey unleashes on Becky Lynch: Raw, March 4, 2019
And from Smackdown.Here’s Charlotte to call out Becky for a friendly discussion. First though, we get a video from last night featuring Ronda Rousey attacking Becky before Sunday’s match. Cue Becky, who says she’s sore but it’s worth it to be inside Charlotte and Rousey’s head. She’s going to be damaged going into Fastlane but that just means she has nothing left to lose.
Charlotte kicks the crutch out and the attack is on with a knee to Becky’s knee and a kick to the arm making her cringe in agony. Becky gets in a crutch shot though and grabs the Disarm-Her while shouting that it’s her title. Referees come out and break it up as Charlotte rolls outside.
The Man can do that too:

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