Main Event
Date: March 21, 2019
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Renee Young, Byron Saxton, Percy Watson
As tends to be the case around this year, it’s time to hurry things along as we have to build up Wrestlemania in a hurry since WWE feels the need to add things in as fast as they can. I’m not sure what to expect here, but I’d assume some short matches that don’t mean much will be included. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Rezar vs. Curt Hawkins
Zack Ryder is at ringside. Hawkins charges straight at him but gets shoved down and a fall away slam makes things even worse. Back in and Rezar hammers in some crossface forearms and the chinlock goes on. A side slam gets two and we hit the neck crank. Hawkins fights up for some dropkicks as the fans are behind him here. A superkick to the ribs into a DDT gets two and another DDT sets up the top rope elbow for another near fall. Rezar is right back up and the chokeslam finishes Hawkins at 5:53.
Result: Rezar b. Curt Hawkins – Chokeslam (5:53)
From Raw.
Raw Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey vs. Dana Brooke
Ronda is defending and if there is any justice in the world, Dana shouldn’t lay a finger on her and then lose in about thirty seconds. Rousey knees her in the face, knees her in the ribs and the armbar finishes Brooke in 19 seconds.
Result: Ronda Rousey b. Dana Brooke – Armbar (0:19)
Rousey won’t let go of the arm until some referees come out. Ronda beats them up too and goes over to her husband, who hits a guard for trying to hold her back. Browne pulls Ronda over the barricade.
This was rather one sided:

It’s time for the KO Show with Kevin Owens talking about how tonight is all about Kofi Kingston. He’ll be watching the gauntlet match closely, but for now we need to get to the guests. That would be Becky Lynch and Charlotte with Owens talking about how Becky is willing to fight Charlotte and Ronda Rousey at the same time.
As for Charlotte, Becky has said that she was shoehorned into the match and doesn’t belong. What Owens knows is that everyone is sick of hearing them talk and want to see the two of them fight. They stand up, Owens, leaves, and the fight is on. Security and referee get beaten up as well as the fans are very pleased with Becky.
Sometimes you don’t need words:

From Raw.
Drew McIntyre vs. Seth Rollins
The fight is on in the aisle with referees and security out to break it up. Joined in progress with Drew pulling him down into an armbar with the pressure on the face. A hard shot to the face keeps Rollins in trouble and they head outside, where Seth misses a moonsault off the steps to send us to a break. Back with Drew stomping on Seth’s back as it’s all McIntyre so far.
Seth gets knocked outside for a belly to belly onto the barricade…and it’s time for a chair. That takes too long though and Rollins scores with a kick to the face. Back to back suicide dive set up a Sling Blade for two but the reverse Alabama slam knocks him silly again. McIntyre takes him up top gets punched in the face, only to have Rollins slip out for the superplex into the Falcon Arrow for two. The fans are WAY into this as Heyman and Lesnar come out for a distraction, allowing McIntyre to hit the Claymore for the pin at 14:13.
Result: Drew McIntyre b. Seth Rollins – Claymore (14:13)
They could headline WrsetleMania one day:

Batista joins us via satellite and says he doesn’t like HHH. He’s wanted one more match with HHH but can’t get his attention. Batista has heard about how he owes his career to HHH but all HHH ever did was groom him to be the muscle. There’s more to him than just being a meathead and it was HHH who caused him to quit nine years ago. There were goals that Batista wanted to accomplish but HHH was cutting him off. Now look at what Batista has accomplished since leaving WWE.
Cole defends HHH but Batista doesn’t buy it. HHH is a cerebral assassin and now he’s gotten in Cole’s head too. The real HHH is a manipulative control freak so hopefully Vince McMahon fires him one day and ends his corporate career. Then at Wrestlemania, Batista can end his in-ring career. Interview over.
The Animal speaks:

Titus O’Neil/Lucha House Party vs. Revival/Ascension
We take a break at the bell and come back with Kalisto in trouble in the corner but kneeing his way out of Konnor’s suplex attempt. The hot tag brings in Titus to clean house with the Clash of the Titus finishing Viktor at 6:43.
Result: Titus O’Neil/Lucha House Party b. Revival/Ascension – Clash of the Titus to Viktor (6:43)
We get clips of Kofi Kingston’s gauntlet match.
From Smackdown.
Post match Big E. and Woods come out to celebrate and here’s Vince McMahon to interrupt. Vince congratulates Kofi, who is going to Wrestlemania….if he can beat one more person. That would be Daniel Bryan, who kicks away in the corner to start. A knee to the ribs cuts off Kofi’s comeback and Bryan ties him in the Tree of Woe for more kicks to the ribs.
Bryan gets two off a top rope belly to back superplex and we hit the LeBell Lock. Kofi gets a foot on the rope for the break The YES Kicks are countered into the SOS for two and the fans gasp on the kickout. Some running corner dropkicks connect with Kofi reversing the third into another rollup. Bryan avoids a spinning high crossbody and stomps away at the head and it’s the running knee for the pin at 1:00:06 total.
Result: Daniel Bryan won a gauntlet match last eliminating Kofi Kingston (1:00:06)
There’s one more to go:

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1.
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