Well at least someone knows he’s around. It’s been a rough month for United States Champion Jeff Hardy. You don’t remember him do you? He’s been the United States Champion for fifty days now and has wrestled four times on WWE TV since then. His record is 2-2 with his last two matches being losses to the Miz and Daniel Bryan. Neither of them seem interested in going after the title because they’re too busy with Money in the Bank. Hardy hasn’t wrestled on the last two SmackDown Lives, but at least he’s gotten to do something else, at least last night.
In case you forgot what Hardy was like, here he is in a good match.

Daniel Bryan vs. Jeff Hardy - Winner faces Samoa Joe next week: SmackDown LIVE, May 22, 2018
Check out last night’s results right here.
Opinion: I can’t wait for Money in the Bank to be done as it takes up so many stories that could be interesting otherwise. The United States Champion is a complete afterthought, which is a major issue when he was starting to get a major push right around the time he won the title. It’s nice that the fans are getting to see him but leaving him off TV with no mention or any form of a story is really annoying. Maybe they’ll throw him in for a token title defense at Money in the Bank but it would be nice to just have him get some actual attention for a change.
Who do you want to see challenge Hardy for the title? What’s next for Bryan after Big Cass? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 27 wrestling books. His latest book is the NXT: The Full Sail Years Volume III: From Dallas To New Orleans.
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