Why yes, he does still have a lot to say. Earlier this year, Big Cass was released from WWE in what was probably a bit of a surprise. He had only been been back on the active roster for a few weeks after returning from his torn ACL and just like that he was gone. Even though he’s out of the company, he’s not away from wrestling entirely and that means he has some thoughts on the business.
Cass recently appeared on Booker T.’s Heated Conversations podcast and talked about his time away from the WWE. When asked about how much he still follows WWE since his released on June 19, he said that he hasn’t watched WWE whatsoever, to the point where he doesn’t even know who the current champions are. He also mentioned that he still keeps in touch with some of the company’s current stars, who have given him some advice. Here are some highlights, with transcription courtesy of Wrestlinginc.com:
On How Far He Is Removed From WWE
“One-hundred percent. I haven’t watched SmackDown, Raw, PPV, I haven’t watched anything wrestling since I got released. I’ve just been doing my thing, working out, and eating right. Binge watching my favorite television shows that I’m trying to catch up on. I have not watched a single second of wrestling since I got released. I don’t even know who the champions are these days.”
On Who He Still Talks To In WWE
“I talks to my buddies from WWE still, like Kevin Owens, or Daniel Bryan who has helped me in more ways than one. They just say the work outside WWE is incredible compared to what it was when they were just working independents.”
And On Adam Cole
“Adam Cole, he’s a great dude. That guy— I don’t say this about many people, that guy is a great human being, just an amazing human being.”
You can listen to the full interview right here:
And of course one of his more infamous segments:

Big Cass plays mind games with Daniel Bryan: SmackDown LIVE, May 1, 2018
Opinion: I’m still not sure what to think of Cass. If the stories about him flat out ignoring what Vince McMahon himself told him to do, there’s not much room to feel sorry for him. That being said, he’s still a very talented performer and someone with a lot of potential just based on his size and look alone. If he can learn to control his emotions and follow orders, he’s going to be a big star one day.
What do you think of Big Cass? Will he ever be back in WWE? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews.
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