205 Live
Date: October 17, 2018
Location: Capital One Arena, Washington DC
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness
It’s hard to say if the Cruiserweight Champion is going to be around this week but the more interesting question is going to be the Kanellis family, who debuted last week in a rare instance of some main roster names coming to the cruiserweight show. I’m hoping that happens more down the line as it’s not like some of these people have anything else going on and it’s better than sitting on the sidelines. Let’s get to it.
The opening recap talks about how much everything is changing tonight. Speaking of tonight, we’ll be having a fatal five way. Cedric Alexander needs to prove that he’s still a top star, Tony Nese wants to extend his winning streak, TJP wants to prove he deserves a title shot, Gran Metalik wants to stand up for the Lucha House Party and Lio Rush wants to remain undefeated.
Opening sequence.
Drew Gulak vs. Akira Tozawa
Before the match we look at Gulak and Jack Gallagher attacking Brian Kendrick so you can probably guess what’s coming here. Gulak is NOT happy with the chanting here and lets off some steam with an elbow to the face. That just earns him a hurricanrana into a backsplash for an early two as Tozawa picks up the pace. The fake out right hand to the jaw keeps Gulak in trouble but the Black Widow is countered into a backbreaker.
Gulak goes international with a Gory Stretch until Tozawa gets his legs free and flips over for a cool looking escape. A powerbomb gives Gulak two and the chinlock goes on, with Gulak biting his ear. That’s a bit out of character but a great visual. Tozawa is back up and hits Trouble in Paradise into a Shining Wizard to the floor. There’s the suicide headbutt to Gulak and Gallagher, the latter of whom breaks up the top rope backsplash for the DQ at 7:05.
Result: Akira Tozawa b. Drew Gulak via DQ when Jack Gallagher interfered (7:05)

The Brian Kendrick strikes back against Drew Gulak and Jack Gallagher: WWE 205 Live, Oct. 17, 2018
Post match Gulak and Gallagher beat him down but Kendrick makes the save.Buddy Murphy is back and says he’s ok with Drake Maverick making him weigh in. Tony Nese comes in and says he’ll prove that they’re the best, including in tonight’s main event.
Mike and Maria Kanellis are ready to be the power couple of 205 Live.
Hideo Itami speaks Japanese and then promises to end Mustafa Ali’s career next week.
Ali, walking in the rain, says he and Itami have been on this road for far too long. He’ll be wherever Itami is and on this road, Itami will lay where Ali stands.
TJP vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Gran Metalik vs. Tony Nese vs. Lio Rush
One fall to a finish. This isn’t a #1 contenders match but Buddy is watching in the back. Alexander and Nese are left in the ring to start but Cedric knocks him to the floor as well. Rush comes in and flips out of a headscissors and springboards into a headscissors of his own. Alexander is sent outside and gets clotheslined by Nese so Metalik comes in and springboard dropkicks into Rush.
Nese replaces Metalik and takes an enziguri as the fans are rather pleased with Rush. TJP comes back in and puts Metalik and Nese in a hold at the same time but Rush breaks it up until Nese rolls up both Rush and TJP at the same time. TJP is sent shoulder first into the post and Nese gets to stop and pose. Things slow down a bit and it’s Nese cranking on Metalik’s neck. Metalik gets tied up in the Tree of Woe for the situp kicks to the ribs until Nese has to clothesline an invading Alexander.
A Metalik brainbuster gets two on Nese but Alexander springboards in with a clothesline (which barely connects) for two on Metalik. The springboard swinging Downward Spiral gets two with Rush making a save. Everyone comes back in Nese breaks up the Tower of Doom and Rush hits the Final Hour for two on Alexander.
It’s time for strike everyone else and Alexander hits the Neuralizer for two on Nese. Metalik superkicks Alexander but TJP goes after his mask. That goes nowhere as Metalik hits a suicide dive on Alexander and Rush takes his place inside. Nese powerbombs Rush onto EVERYONE (with Rush almost landing on his head) and Nese is the only one standing.
TJP remedies that with a kneebar to Nese and then does the same to Alexander. Metalik makes the save and avoids a baseball slide from TJP, setting up a perfect Asai moonsault to the floor just as TJP goes underneath the rope. Back in and Alexander Lumbar Checks Rush, only to get rolled up by Nese for the pin at 15:35.
Result: Tony Nese b. Gran Metalik, TJP, Cedric Alexande and Lio Rush – Rollup to Alexander (15:35)

Cedric Alexander vs. Gran Metalik vs. TJP vs. Lio Rush vs. Tony Nese: WWE 205 Live, Oct. 17, 2018
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews.Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for “GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES” to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!