They have a unique perspective. Wrestlers do not think like fans, and that is what makes their opinions rather interesting in a different way. As much wrestling as a fan...
There are a lot of stories to tell from WWE. The last few years have seen a new era in mainstream stories being told about wrestlers. Between the HBO documentary...
2020 marks the 26th year of the Big Show being a professional wrestler. Not only is he one of the most tenured big men in pro wrestling, but certainly one...
He’s multi-talented. Wrestling is a unique profession as most wrestlers are not going to be doing this until they are in their 60s. It is too physical of a sport...
The man is still a legend. Being a televised product, wrestling is going to be seen by a lot of people on any given week. While the modern shows may...
That would be a big next step. Earlier this month, CM Punk returned to WWE in one of the biggest surprises that has taken place in WWE in a long...
I’d call that an honor. There are very few names in wrestling anywhere near the level of Steve Austin. Unless your name is The Rock or Hulk Hogan, you are...
In the world of professional wrestling, there are a few dream matches that never happened, and most likely never will. One of those matches is “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs....